PCR Virus Scanner for Rapid and Accurate COVID 19 Test
Novus XYZ Scan, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, United States
Diagnostic technologies for identification of SARS-CoV-2 from human nasal, buccal, or saliva samples
Tech Brief: Point of care fast qPCR scanner for direct saliva sample to result test in a low setting environment. PCR is the gold standard for high accuracy low levels of RNA detection. The Scanner has the strength of conventional PCR without the complicate lab settings required by it.
Org Type:
Early-stage Startup (Seed)
Value Proposition: The device utilizes a single self-contained cartridge, to provide ultra-fast qPCR diagnosis of viruses such as COVID-19 in low-resource laboratory settings for hospitals, doctor offices, clinical research, biotech R&D and remote areas. After manual sample collection the rest of the process is self-driven. A laminate film packaging PCR on a chip architecture with hermetically sealed reagents eliminate most sources of contamination. A state-of-the-art reactor design and miniaturized thermal management solution utilizing solid state heat pumps accelerates the thermal cycling to minimize the most time-consuming process step. Novus offers high quality automated manufacturing that can be quickly scaled to meet demand requirements of the expanding user base. The architecture is highly flexible to allow for continuous improvements in miniaturization, cost optimization, advanced analytics, and expanded testing capabilities for other molecular tests. We are addressing the issues of low accuracy of rapid molecular tests (eg: Abbott ID now) and the non-inclusivity of portable qPCR devices (eg: Biomeme or Anitoa) to achieve accuracy, convenience and speed.