Connect directly with over $4 billion in early stage funding. Learn how to compete for funding, while networking with global industry scouts, investors, and key federal leadership representing the nation's largest seed fund.
The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs are the nation's largest source of early stage, high risk research and development funding for small businesses. These programs provide more than $4 billion annually in competitive awards, enabling entrepreneurs to develop new technologies and ultimately facilitate the commercialization of innovation. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet with and hear from SBIR/STTR leaders and experts, as they learn how to submit more competitive proposals and leverage available resources.
Joe Bryan
Office of the Secretary of Defense
April Richards
Environmental Protection Agency
Ed Metz
U.S. Department of Education
Mina Khalil
Nancy Kamei
U.S. Small Business Administration
Dusty Lang
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Alf Carroll
Raytheon Technologies
Paul Staszak
Craig Owens
Lockheed Martin
Terrell Reid<
Northrop Grumman
Bob Smith
U.S. Navy
Ben Schrag
"What a great show this year. Thank you for letting us be a part of it and we are already volunteering for next year in DC. A technology we found at this event will have an impact on War fighters and Civilians."
"It was an absolute pleasure to work with TechConnect and we look forward to working with you again soon."
"TechConnect is unique in specifically bringing together the creators of breakthrough technologies with corporations who can help commercialize, adopt, buy, re-sell and invest in those technologies"
Atrium Capital
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All Department of Defense speakers are subject to budget travel changes.
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