Defense TechConnect Conference & Expo
Co-Located with TechConnect World Innovation SBIR/STTR Spring Nanotech

2018 Program


Monday May 14

8:15TechConnect World Innovation Conference & Nanotech 2018 - Keynotes
9:20Innovation Prospecting - Staking your claim and finding the gems
8:30SBIR/STTR Overview & Phase I Proposal Development (Requires Additional Registration)
10:00Coffee Break
10:30Biofuels & Bioproducts
10:30Energy Innovation Spotlights: Shell, Reliance Industries
12:00Expo Hall: Coffee Social (lunch available for purchase in expo hall)
1:00SBIR/STTR Accounting Basics
1:30Defense/Aerospace Innovation Spotlights: Boeing, Sikorsky/Lockheed Martin
3:00Phase II Proposal Development
4:00TechConnect Expo & Innovation Showcase Reception (4:00 - 6:00)
4:00Federal Agency Booths & Pavillion - All Attendees Encouraged to Join

Tuesday May 15

8:30Joint SBIR/STTR-TechConnect World Keynotes
9:00Fireside Chat: Leaders in Innovation
9:30Fireside Chat: SBIR Company Spotlight
10:00Coffee Break
10:30Defense/Energy Innovation Spotlights: DOD-USPACOM, United Technologies
10:30SBIR 101
10:30Follow on Funding: How to Commercialize Yoiur Phase II
10:40One-on-One Agency Meetings
12:00Expo Hall: Coffee Social (lunch available for purchase in expo hall)
1:20One-on-One Agency Meetings
1:20Agency Briefings
2:10Staying on Track: Aligning Your Company for Success in the DoD
2:05Agency Briefings
3:00Accepting Government Funding
1:30Defense/Space Innovation Spotlights: NASA, SPAWAR, Qualcomm
4:00TechConnect Innovation Showcase & Networking Reception (4:00 - 6:00) - Poster Session I

Wednesday May 16

8:30SBIR/STTR Agency One-on-One Meetings
8:30Energy Storage
8:303D Printing
8:30One-on-One Agency Meetings
9:00Building Your Business
10:00IP & Data Rights: What You Need to Know
10:00Coffee Break
10:30Battery Innovations
10:303D Printing Materials Innovation
10:30Technology Development Pathways: Continuing the Conversation
1:00Working with Primes
1:20One-on-One Agency Meetings
1:30Innovations in Additive Manufacturing
3:30TechConnect Innovation Leaders Networking Reception - Poster Session II


Monday May 14

8:15TechConnect World Innovation Conference & Nanotech 2018 - Keynotes257
Session chair: Matthew Laudon, TechConnect, US
8:15Welcome and Keynotes
M. Laudon, TechConnect, US
8:25National Nanotechnology Initiative Welcome
L. Friedersdorf, National Nanotechnology Coordination Office, US
8:30Global Opportunities in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
P. Weiss, University of California, Los Angeles, US
8:55Convergence: Scientific trends and commercial opportunities
A. Belz, University of Southern California, US
9:20Innovation Prospecting - Staking your claim and finding the gems257
Session chair: Andrea Belz, University of Southern California, US
C. Paul, Henkel, US
M. Brodeur, United Technologies, US
C. Thomas, 3M, US
8:30SBIR/STTR Overview & Phase I Proposal Development (Requires Additional Registration)261 A
Session chair: Jim Greenwood, Greenwood Consulting Group, US
10:00Coffee Break2nd Floor
10:30Biofuels & Bioproducts262 B
Session chair: C. Rebecca Locker, ExxonMobil, US; Scott Twary, Los Alamos National Laboratory, US
10:30Biofuels and Bioproducts: Innovation and Implementation (invited presentation)
S. Twary, Los Alamos National Laboratory, US
10:55You CAN Teach An Old Dog New Tricks: From an Organism as Old as Dirt, An Algae Bioproduct Innovation Reincarnation (invited presentation)
M. Carr, Algae Biomass Organization, US
11:20Magnetic separation for high efficiency harvesting of microalgal cells
C. Guo, Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, CN
11:40Experimental Analysis of the Performance of Hevea brasilensis and Jatropha curcas Oils as Biodiesel
O.O. Odia, Ambrose Alli University, NG
10:30Energy Innovation Spotlights: Shell, Reliance Industries254 B
Session chair: Goran Matijasevic, UC Irvine, US
10:30Shell: Innovation Spotlight
H. Cai, Shell, US
10:45Reliance Industries: Innovation Spotlight
A. Sapre, Reliance Industries, IN
11:00Bio-inspired catalyst for electrolytic hydrogen production
F. Nelms, The Australian National University, AU
11:07Lab Testing of Enhanced Oil Recovery Materials at Pore Scale
M. Steiner, IBM Research, BR
11:14Improved Natural Sorbents for Toxic Substance Remediation
R. Meadors, Georgia Tech, US
11:21Beyond Silicon Panels: Reducing the Cost of PV Generation at Utility Scale
R. Angel, REhnu Inc., US
11:28Novel Polymers for Polymer Solar Cells, Transistors, and Sensors
E. Beres, UCLA Technology Development Group, US
11:35Photo-Catalytic Conversion of CO2 to Hydrocarbon
M. Muthig, University of Adelaide, AU
11:42Steam Hydrogasification Reaction for Renewable Natural Gas Production
J. Sche, University of California, Riverside - Office of Technology Partnerships, US
11:49Longitudinally Joined Cavity
A. Sauers, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, US
11:56Shell & Reliance Industries: Q&A
12:00Expo Hall: Coffee Social (lunch available for purchase in expo hall)Expo Hall
1:00SBIR/STTR Accounting Basics261 A
Session chair: Ed Jameson, Jameson & Company CPAs, US
1:30Defense/Aerospace Innovation Spotlights: Boeing, Sikorsky/Lockheed Martin254 B
Session chair: Lynn Foster, Z Field Technologies, US
1:30Boeing: Innovation Spotlight
S. Reddy, Boeing, US
1:45Sikorsky/Lockheed Martin: Innovation Spotlight
C. Kuchta, Lockheed Martin, US
2:00Ultrahigh-rate supercapacitors with large capacitance based on edge oriented graphene coated carbonized cellulous paper as flexible freestanding electrodes
C. Smith, Texas Tech University, US
2:07(SMaLL): A Process for Rapid, Continuous 3D Printing and Long-Range Selective Curing
L. Dobis, University of California, Santa Barbara, US
2:14Room temperature 3D printing metallic material
A. Some, Univalor, CA
2:21Graphene-enhanced Thermal Interface Materials for Electronic Heat Removal
J. Sche, University of California, Riverside - Office of Technology Partnerships, US
2:28Self-Decontaminating Filter Medium or Materials
C. Childs, Naval Research Laboratory, US
2:35Boeing & Sikorsky/Lockheed Martin: Q&A
3:00Phase II Proposal Development261 A
Session chair: Becky Aistrup, BBC Entrepreneurial Training and Consulting, US
4:00TechConnect Expo & Innovation Showcase Reception (4:00 - 6:00)Expo Hall
4:00Federal Agency Booths & Pavillion - All Attendees Encouraged to JoinExpo Hall
DARPA SBIR/STTR Program, Booth 325
Fermilab, Booth 627
National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure, Booth 316
Navy SBIR/STTR, Booth 330
NOAA, Booth 331
Sandia National Laboratories, Booth 623
US Department of Energy - SBIR, Booth 322
US Missile Defense Agency, Booth 336
US Naval Research Laboratory, Booth 625
US Small Business Adminstration, Booth 327
US Special Operations Command, Booth 334
USDA SBIR, Booth 329

Tuesday May 15

8:30Joint SBIR/STTR-TechConnect World Keynotes257
Session chair: Jennifer Rocha, TechConnect, US and John Williams, SBA, US
8:30White House Science and Technology Priorities
L. Whitman, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, US
9:00Fireside Chat: Leaders in Innovation257
Session chair: John Williams, SBA, US
A. Pickren, Alice, US
K. Chadwick, InBIA, US
B. Sickler, SBA, US
9:30Fireside Chat: SBIR Company Spotlight257
Session chair: John Williams, SBA, US
A. Schmeder, Enchroma, US
G. Schneider, Natel Energy (invited), US
J. Dunn, Made in Space, US
10:00Coffee Break2nd Floor
10:30Defense/Energy Innovation Spotlights: DOD-USPACOM, United Technologies254 B
Session chair: Jennifer Rocha, TechConnect, US
10:30DOD-USPACOM Innovation Spotlight
10:45United Technologies Innovation Spotlight
J. Sharon, United Technologies, US
11:00Advanced anode for rechargeable batteries
T. Paronyan, Hexalayer, LLC, US
11:07Nanobiomimetic Reagent-free sensing and energy storage
E. Chen, Advanced Biomimetic Sensors, Inc., US
11:14ThinMet membranes for energy efficiency and environmental emission control
W. Liu, Molecule Works Inc., US
11:21Ultrahigh safety battery separator
X. Zhang, Novarials Corporation, US
11:28Photochromic Color Changing Window, Auto Chromic Glass
C.H. Han, Korea Institute of Energy Research(KIER), KR
11:35Microgrid Design Toolkit (MDT)
J. Eddy, Sandia National Laboratories, US
11:42DOD & United Technologies: Q&A
10:30SBIR 101258 B
Session chair: Christopher Earl, RCC, US
D. Deason, DoD-MDA, US
M. Portnoy, NIH, US
M. Ramey, WI CTC, US
D. Catron, New Mexico FAST Program, US
10:30Follow on Funding: How to Commercialize Yoiur Phase II261 A
Session chair: Ruth Shuman, NSF, US
B. Smith, DoD-Navy, US
R. Shie, Physical Optics, US
J. Wasson, SC SBDC, US
10:40One-on-One Agency Meetings256
12:00Expo Hall: Coffee Social (lunch available for purchase in expo hall)Expo Hall
1:20One-on-One Agency Meetings256
1:20Agency Briefings261 A
Session chair: Chris McNeal, SBA, US
1:20B. Smith, DoD-Navy, US
1:25J. Smith, DoD-Army, US
1:30A. Aldrich, DoD-USSOCOM, US
1:35D. Deason, DoD-MDA, US
1:40J. Stewart, FLC, US
1:45S. Celis, DoD-DARPA, US
1:50R. Shuman, NSF, US
1:55S. Dockum, USDA, US
2:10Staying on Track: Aligning Your Company for Success in the DoD258 B
Session chair: Chris McNeal, SBA, US
M. Williams, DoD-Navy, US
A. Aldrich, DoD-USSOCOM (invited), US
S. Celis, DoD-DARPA, US
J. Reynolds, DoD-MDA, US
2:05Agency Briefings261 A
Session chair: Chris McNeal, SBA, US
2:05M. Oliver, DOE, US
2:10M. Portnoy, NIH, US
2:15D. Forrest, CDC, US
2:20CAPT Cohn, DoD-DHA, US
2:25C. Lewis, NASA, US
2:30V. Garcia, NOAA, US
2:35A. Richards, EPA, US
2:40M. Clague, NIST, US
2:45S. Koziol, USPTO, US
2:50L. Pollack, DoD-CBD, US
2:55M. Flohr, DoD-DTRA, US
3:00Accepting Government Funding258 B
Session chair: Ed Jameson, Jameson & Company CPAs, US
J. Hinton, DCAA, US
D. Kim, Kim & Galstad, US
1:30Defense/Space Innovation Spotlights: NASA, SPAWAR, Qualcomm254 B
Session chair: Brent Segal, Lockheed Martin, US
1:30NASA Innovation Spotlight
R. Terrile, NASA, US
1:45Qualcomm Innovation Spotlight
S. Lundby, Qualcomm, US
2:00US SPAWAR Innovation Spotlight
C. Raney, SPAWAR, US
2:15Accurate & Enhanced 3D Imaging Through Walls Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
L. Dobis, University of California, Santa Barbara, US
2:22Transparent Conducting Oxide Film – Indium Tin Oxide Alternative
L. Besemann, University of Minnesota, US
2:29Quartz Microelectromechanical Systems (Q-MEMS) Oven-Controlled Crystal Oscillator (OCXO)
A. Dhuria, Bliley Technologies, US
2:363D Printed Optics with Nanometer Scale Surface Roughness
S. Elrod, Stanford University Office of Technology Licensing, US
2:43Nanotechnology Vinyl Wrap Material
E. Musselwhite, Military Wraps, US
2:50BotFactory SV2 PCB Printer
J. Brandon, BotFactory, US
2:57NASA, SPAWAR, Qualcomm: Q&A
4:00TechConnect Innovation Showcase & Networking Reception (4:00 - 6:00) - Poster Session IExpo Hall

Wednesday May 16

8:30SBIR/STTR Agency One-on-One Meetings256
8:30Energy Storage259 B
Session chair: Imre Gyuk, U.S. Department of Energy, US
8:30Energy Storage, Current Implementation and Future Innovation (invited presentation)
I. Gyuk, U.S. Department of Energy, US
8:55Electrocatalytic CO2 Conversion for Seasonal Energy Storage
D.M. Weekes, C.P. Berlinguette, The University of British Columbia, CA
9:15Coupling Integral Molten Salt Reactor Technology into Renewable Energy Systems : Thermal Storage / Desalination, Direct Production of H2
J. Kutsch, Terrestrial Energy USA Inc, US
9:35Energy Storage Standards Development and Defining Best Practices for System Evaluation
B. Taube, P. Leufkens, C. Thompson, A. McQuilling, Southern Research, US
8:303D Printing251 B
Session chair: Slade H Gardner, Big Metal Additive, Inc., US
8:303D Printing of Multi-Functional Structures (invited presentation)
E. MacDonald, Youngstown State University, US
8:55Machine Learning Approaches to Additive Manufacturing (invited presentation)
A.P. Stebner, Colorado School of Mines, US
9:20Optimized internal geometries for lightweighting and multifunctionality in additive manufacturing – an ideal processing target
J. Berger, Nama Development LLC, US
9:40Solving Dimensional Tolerance, Surface Finish and Industrial Production Issues for Large Scale Metal Additive Manufacturing (invited presentation)
S.H. Gardner, Big Metal Additive, US
8:30One-on-One Agency Meetings256
9:00Building Your Business258 B
Session chair: Brittany Sickler, SBA, US
P. Smith, Santa Ana District Office, SBA, US
R. Ochoa, UCR, US
S. Mah, Hera Labs, US
10:00IP & Data Rights: What You Need to Know261 A
Session chair: John Williams, SBA, US
S. Koziol, USPTO, US
N. Nodianos, UCI, US
J. Glover, SBTC, US
10:00Coffee Break2nd Floor
10:30Battery Innovations259 B
Session chair: Imre Gyuk, U.S. Department of Energy, US
10:30Advanced Electrolytes for Thermal Batteries
G.G. Botte, Ohio University - Center for Electrochemical Engineering Research, US
10:50Metal Organic Frameworks and Porous Polymer Network-Based Matrices as Nonflammable Battery Electrolytes
R. Ozdemir, framergy, Inc, US
11:10Structural and Electrical Conductivity Studies of Spinel Li4Ti5O12 Anode Thin Films Grown by RF Magnetron Sputtering
K.H. Prasad, R. Arumugam, E.S. Srinadhu, N. Satyanarayana, Pondicherry University, IN
11:30High surface area metal electrode
W. Liu, Molecule Works Inc., US
11:50A Review of the Center for Fluorinated Functional Materials
H. Sun, University of South Dakota, US
10:303D Printing Materials Innovation251 B
Session chair: Slade H Gardner, Big Metal Additive, Inc., US
10:30From Prototyping to Production: Rethinking Materials for Additive Manufacturing (invited presentation)
J. Rolland, Carbon, Inc, US
10:50The impact of the “4d-Rheoprinting” additive manufacturing technique on molecular orientation and thermal properties of polymeric parts
A. Duhduh, J.P. Coulter, Lehigh University, US
11:10Mechanical reliability of fused deposition modeled polymers and composites
O. Keles, E.H. Anderson, San Jose State University, US
11:303D-printed Optical Devices with Refractive Index Control for Microwave Applications
D. Isakov, Y. Wu, B. Allen, C.J. Stevens, P.S. Grant, University of Warwick, UK
10:30Technology Development Pathways: Continuing the Conversation254 B
Session chair: Lisa E. Friedersdorf, Director of the National Nanotechnology Coordination Office, US
E. Polyakova, Graphene 3D Lab Inc, US
A. Zaretski, Grolltex Inc, US
A. Wang, Ocean NanoTech LLC, US
1:00Working with Primes258 B
Session chair: Bob Smith, DoD Navy, US
L. Kearney, Raytheon, US
M. McComas, BAE Systems, US
C. Owens, Lockheed Martin, US
1:20One-on-One Agency Meetings256
1:30Innovations in Additive Manufacturing251 B
Session chair: Slade H Gardner, Big Metal Additive, Inc., US
1:30Predicting Fiber Orientation and Elastic Properties in Short Fiber Polymer Composite Deposition for Large Scale Additive Manufacturing Processes (invited presentation)
B. Heller, Z. Wang, T. Russell, D.E. Smith, D.A. Jack, Baylor University, US
1:553D Print Part Performance Qualification and Effect of Defects
F. Abdi, AlphaSTAR Corporation, US
2:15High Degree-of-Freedom Deposition in Material Extrusion (invited presentation)
J.R. Kubalak, C.B. Williams, Virginia Tech, US
2:40Anisotropic tensile properties of NiTi fabricated with selective laser melting
S.E. Saghaian, N.Sh. Moghaddam, A. Amerinatanzi, H. Ibrahim, P. Li, G.P. Toker, M. Elahinia, H.E. Karaca, University of Kentucky, US
3:00Numerical Simulation of Extrusion Additive Manufacturing: Fused Deposition Modeling
A. Verma, V. Sukhotskiy, P. Vishnoi V. Amiri Roodan, and E.P. Furlani, University at Buffalo, US
3:30TechConnect Innovation Leaders Networking Reception - Poster Session II2nd Floor
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