ERVA Workshop ToIdentify Technology Gaps To Accelerate Engineering Research

Join ERVA and TechConnect for a Workshop and help us ideate engineering research priorities that advance U.S. R&D and solve society's most vexing problems. You're working through challenges daily, and we want to hear from you about what topics most deserve engineering research, resources, and attention.

Register For The Workshop

The Engineering Research Visioning Alliance (ERVA) is an initiative supported through a cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation (NSF). ERVA seeks to uncover and catalyze transformational engineering research directions. The research priorities ERVA identifies may be years away from commercial implementation but have the potential to significantly impact our country and our planet. Supporting these nascent technologies now yields dividends in the future.

This is your opportunity to share your bold, big engineering research ideas with your peers and have a voice in identifying topics for future engineering research visioning events. If you attend both the webinar and workshop, you'll receive a discount on TechConnect World registration (see details below). ERVA takes a multifaceted approach to engagement with all stakeholders in both the public and private sectors:

the voices of engineers, scientists, technologists, ethicists, policymakers and the general public to exchange ideas.

the ideation and articulation of compelling engineering research visions that align with national and global challenges.

the development of research, programs, and new models of connectivity and collaboration.

the findings, priorities, and nascent opportunities in engineering research to all stakeholders.

Who should attend? 

  • Engineering experts, from all industries and sectors
  • Chief Technology Officers
  • Corporate executives
  • Academics
  • Technology scouts
  • Technical futurists
  • Chief Innovation Officers

Register For The Workshop

Why Attend: 

  • Leverage the ERVA platform to nationalize and highlight your organization's technology needs
  • Think about the big problems facing our society, and be part of the future of engineering research
  • Receive a 20% discount on TechConnect World registration when you sign up for the ERVA pre-workshop webinar and the workshop itself.

TechConnect World Innovation Conference is the premiere innovation and technology meeting with a 25+ year track record, bringing together representatives from government and industry for a multi-day event featuring symposia, presentations, guest speakers and more.


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