J. Elwell
OxEon Energy LLC, UT
OxEon is developing solid oxide fuel cells for bi-propellant applications with AFRL, and CO2 & power to fuels with NRL. OxEon is building reversible SOC energy storage for microgrid applications. OxEon Energy is a technology provider for SAF project developers and plant owner/operators. OxEon has developed two pathways for sustainable synthesis gas (syngas) production from biogenic carbon sources to be coupled with technology enabling small scale Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis plants at a size consistent with the sustainable carbon feedstocks. An OxEon designed and manufactured SOEC or SOXE device is in the MOXIE system (Mars OXygen In-situ Resource Utilization Experiment) aboard the Perseverance Rover on Mars and has demonstrated feasibility of producing Mars Ascent Vehicle (MAV) propellant from resources on Mars. This is the first ever demonstration of In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) on another planet and represents the ultimate in SAF production. Since delivering the MOXIE flight hardware NASA has funded OxEon to scale this tiny demonstration system to the capacity required for full scale human exploration missions with the capability to produce both propellant oxygen and methane (so called methalox).