More accurate position and navigation to reduce congestion

K. Singh, R. Nicholson
Skyline Nav AI, Inc., Massachusetts, United States

Keywords: Alt-GPS, Assured PNT, Alt-PNT, Robust Position and Navigation

Enhanced Positioning and Navigation System Using Visual and Inertial Sensing for Urban Congestion Reduction Abstract: As urban centers continue to experience increased vehicular congestion, there is an urgent need for more accurate positioning and navigation technologies that outperform the current GPS standards. This poster presents an innovative technology that integrates visual (camera) and inertial (IMU) sensors to provide superior positioning accuracy. By merging visual cues with inertial measurements, this system offers increased precision, especially in areas where GPS signals may be obscured or weakened. Applicable to a wide range of vehicles, from traditional automobiles to autonomous vehicles and drones, this technology not only facilitates smoother traffic flow but also contributes to energy savings and reduced emissions. Furthermore, when complemented with GPS and SLAM, this integrated system promises unparalleled accuracy, ensuring safer and more efficient navigation in bustling urban environments.