VectorMap: Using GIS to Implement a One Health Approach to Vectorborne Disease Risk Assessment

D. Pecor
Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit, Maryland, United States

Keywords: Vectorborne disease, GIS, Mapping, Risk, Surveillance

VectorMap is a web-based repository for arthropod vector and host/ reservoir surveillance data collected from around the world. This platform serves as the official repository for vector surveillance generated by the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Division – Global Emerging Infections Surveillance Branch (AFHSD-GEIS) network. The VectorMap platform is a tool for browsing and visualizing vector surveillance data and predictive models using a mapping interface called a Geographic Information System (GIS). GIS offers a unique opportunity to integrate multiple sources of information to analyze patterns across the human, animal, and environmental interface. This presentation will provide an overview of how GIS has been used to implement the One Health Approach to disease risk assessment, an overview of FHP knowledge products developed using data preserved in VectorMap, as well as a live demonstration of the VectoMap platform.