Locorum - A Global and Commercial C2/Situational Awareness Tool

E.M. DeVilliers
DeVilliers Technology Solutions LLC, Virginia, United States

Keywords: C2/SA, Situational Awareness, Command and Control, SATCOM, Iridium

Locorum is a commercial, internationalized, secure, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Situational Awareness (SA) and global communication system that, with minimal infrastructure requirements, provides global coverage, User Defined Operational Picture (UDOP), and a searchable database capable of hosting deployed sustainment solutions in a disconnected environment. Locorum was designed from the beginning to support a vast span of users, from dismounted warfighters, platform users, and command and operations center operators. It is also cross-platform. It can run on ARM processors as well as x86, using either Linux and MS Windows operating systems. It is also integrated with a Zer0-Trust Cybersecurity product called Trusted Platform from Onclave Networking, which has received its ATO for DoD use. It can use multiple existing military radios, such as MPU-5 and Harris, while also using a new Iridium-based data/voice radio to broadcast data to users world-wide. As a commercial system, it has been bought by the Bahamas, who used it successfully for Hurricane Dorian team management, and by Joit Inter-Agency Task Force - South (JIATF-S) to explore its use for counter-narcotics operations with Caribbean nations. This exemplifies its use as a dual-use system.