B. Kling
DAAS LLC, Massachusetts, United States
DAAS LLC develops hardware and software solutions leveraging TAK Server to enhance situational awareness in the global battle space and attain Information Dominance. Our solutions provide AI/ML mesh capabilities "at the edge," with the aim to increase resilience and survivability in DDIL environments by dispersing compute resources across multiple locations. TAK Server provides seamless, real-time information sharing and decision-making across all domains, enabling CJADC2 and full integration with existing/legacy systems. This approach ensures resilient communication, enhanced operational awareness, and greater strategic flexibility across the battle space. Our goal is to deliver cost-effective, low SWaP solutions to our forces on a large scale, improving overall operational efficiency and combat effectiveness in the age of the "IoT Battlefield". By enabling mass deployment of advanced capabilities, we enhance the readiness and adaptability of our forces, ensuring they are better equipped to meet the challenges of modern warfare. The aforementioned capabilities can also be leveraged for non-combat scenarios such as Disaster Preparedness/Relief Efforts, Environmental Monitoring and Micro-Grid Power Optimization.