Atlanta GA 18-19 September 2023

MOSA Exhibitor Application Form

Contact Information

Turn-Key Exhibit Opportunity

Turn-Key Exhibit Opportunity: No-fee (VLC, AMTC, NAC, FACE, SOSA, TREXII, NAMC members-only)
There are a limited number of no-cost turn-key 10×10 booths available only to VLC, AMTC, NAC, FACE, SOSA, TREXII, NAMC members (see Terms*). If you are applying for a no-cost 10×10 turn-key booth, please indicate ALL organizations you are a member of below:

Not a member of any, but am interested in a regular priced booth ($3200)

MOSA Two-event Package

MOSA Two-event Package (for VLC, AMTC, NAC, FACE, SOSA, TREXII, NAMC members-only)
MOSA programming will span both the Sept. MOSA Summit, September in Atlanta and Defense TechConnect Summit, November 28-30, National Harbor MD. As part of your sponsored booth package, all AMTC, VLC, NAC, FACE, SOSA, TREXII, NAMC members receive a 20% MOSA discount at the Defense TechConnect Innovation Expo.

Additional Booth Space Requests

Qualified members may reserve additional/adjacent spaces at $600 per 10×10 (based on expo floor space availability). Please indicate below if interested in renting additional booth space beyond a 10×10 booth.

Yes, I am interested in securing a larger booth space

Following Application

Applicants will be contacted with expo-space contracting details. Once contracting is finalized, all confirmed exhibitors will be provided a decorator-kit with additional booth order and shipping details.

*No-Fee Member Expo Booth Terms

  • There are a limited number of no-cost turn-key 10x10 booths available only to VLC, AMTC, NAC, FACE, SOSA, TREXII or NAMC members.
  • Turn-key booths recipients receive a no-cost 10x10 space that includes (1-table, 2 chairs, carpet, pipe-drape, waste-basket, and one power outlet).
  • All additional booth orders, shipping/handling, etc. are the logistical and financial responsibility of the exhibitor.
  • Once contacted, all exhibitors (including no-cost turn-key booths) must complete an exhibitor contract to confirm participation.
  • There is a no-show or cancelation fee of $600 fee for any unmanned booth or cancelations within 6-weeks of event.
  • There are a limited number of no-cost turn-key booths available at a first-come first-served basis. This offer ends once the limit is reached.
  • Member booths must be confirmed by August 8 to receive a no-cost turn-key waiver. This offer ends after Aug. 8.