SBIR FALL Innovation Conference

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  2024 day-at-a-glance  

Detailed Program

Tuesday, December 3 Lone Star Ballroom
9:15 AM Keynote - Accelerating Innovation through America's Seed Fund
10:30 AM SBIR 101
11:00 AM Agency Reverse Pitches
Confirmed Agencies:
12:00 PM

Ask Me Anything Lunch - SBIR Agencies (lunch not provided)

1:15 PM Navigating Agency Differences
2:00 PM Executing My Award
2:45 PM Finding Help - Getting Started
Wednesday, December 4 Lone Star Ballroom
10:30 AM Agency Differences - Focus on Evaluation
11:15 AM

Transitioning to Phase II and Beyond

12:00 PM

Ask Me Anything Lunch - SBA (lunch not provided)

1:15 PM Phase III
2:00 PM Commercialization - Partnerships
2:45 PM Working With Defense Primes
Thursday, December 5 Lone Star Ballroom
9:15 AM Ask Me Anything - DoD
10:30 AM

DoD Focus - Evaluator & TPOC

11:15 AM

Crossing Over from One Agency to Another


12:00 PM
Lone Star Ballroom Lobby 



8:00 AM
Lone Star Ballroom E 

Defense TechConnect, SBIR/STTR, Resilience Week, and SBIR/STTR Keynotes

Presentation of Colors and National Anthem
Army ROTC Color Guard, University of Texas at Austin
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Jennifer Rocha, Strategic Partnerships, TechConnect Division, ATI
Accelerating Innovation For National Security
John Jansen, CEO, ATI
Naval Surface Warfare Center Overview and Areas of Interest
Jenna Nix, Director of Engagment, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division, Naval Sea Systems Command
Naval Surface Warfare Center Overview and Areas of Interest
Lisa Good, Chief of the Contracting Office, Department Head, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division, Naval Sea Systems Command
Microelectronics Manufacturing PRISM Summit Welcome Remarks
David Daniel, Chair of the Texas Semiconductor Innovation Consortium Executive Committee, Office of the Governor of Texas
Resilience Week Welcome Remarks
Ollie Gagnon, Chief Homeland Security Advisor, Idaho National Laboratory
Resilience Week Keynote
Robert Russell, Regional Director (A) for Region 6, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
Accelerating Innovation through America's Seed Fund
Erick Page-Littleford, Director, Small Business Innovation Research and Technology Transfer Office, U.S. Small Business Administration
Welcome Remarks from AFC Austin
Major General Michael “Mac” McCurry, Chief of Staff, Army Futures Command

10:00 AM
Lone Star Lobby 

Coffee Break

10:30 AM
Lone Star D 


The Basics about the SBIR Program

Erick Page-Littleford, Director, Small Business Innovation Research and Technology Transfer Office, U.S. Small Business Administration

11:00 AM
Lone Star D 

SBIR/STTR: Agency Reverse Pitches

Samir Iqbal, Program Director, National Science Foundation (NSF)
Adam Sorkin, Small Business Policy Manager, Health and Human Services (HHS)
Eileen Chant, Outreach Program Manager, Department of Energy (DOE)
Keith Woodman, SBIR Senior Operations Manager, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Laurie Hobbs, ED/IES SBIR Management and Program Analyst, Department of Education (ED)
Nicole Berry, SBIR Program Administrator, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Rachael Sack, Chief, Innovative Research Division, Department of Transportation (DOT)
Keith Harris, Director, Division of BioEnergy, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Connie Benesh, Outreach Manager, Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Tylar Temple, Deputy Director, Defense SBIR/STTR Program Office, Department of Defense (DOD)
Zach Vaughn, Chief, Office of Research and Innovation, Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA)
Michele Pollard, Program Manager, Technology Partnerships Office, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

12:15 PM

Lunch (on own)

12:00 PM
Lone Star D 

SBIR/STTR: Ask Me Anything Lunch - SBIR Agencies (Lunch Not Provided)

Genevieve Lind, Program Manager, Small Business Administration (SBA)
Eileen Chant, Outreach Program Manager, Department of Energy (DOE)
Adam Sorkin, Small Business Policy Manager, National Institute of Health (NIH)
Samir Iqbal, Program Director, National Science Foundation (NSF)

1:15 PM
Lone Star D 

SBIR/STTR: Navigating Agency Differences

An inside look into the world of SBIR/STTR. You should leave with an understanding of how to figure out which agency is right for you and concrete next steps.

Elden Hawkes, Jr., Partnership and Innovation Specialist, Small Business Administration (SBA)
Candace Wright, SBIR/STTR Program Lead, Missile Defense Agency (MDA)
Eddie Billingslea, Small Business Strategy Coordinator, National Institute of Health (NIH)
Samir Iqbal, Program Director, National Science Foundation (NSF)
Nicole Berry, SBIR Program Administrator, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

2:00 PM
Griffin Hall, Rooms 201, 202, 203, and 204 

Defense TechConnect, SBIR/STTR Agency Tabletops, and Smart Cities Connect Expo Hall Opens

2:00 PM
Rooms 201 and 202 

SBIR/STTR: Agency Tabletops

2:00 PM
Rooms 203 and 204 

Defense TechConnect: Spotlight Showcase Tabletops

2:00 PM
Lone Star D 

SBIR/STTR: Executing My Award

Leave with an understanding of what needs to be done during Phase I to comply with grants/contracts and to put your organization in the best position for Phase II.

Genevieve Lind, Program Manager, Small Business Administration (SBA)
Doug Goodman, Commercialization Partner, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Rachael Sack, Chief, Innovative Research Division, Department of Transportation (DOT)
Jose Colucci, General Business Specialist, National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST)

2:45 PM
Lone Star D 

SBIR/STTR: Finding Help - Getting Started

This panel will highlight the various types of help and support available for SBIR applicants.

Lyn Womack, Deputy National Ombudsman, Small Business Administration, Office of the National Ombudsman (SBA ONO)
Reynaldo Vasquez, Southwest Regional Outreach Officer, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
Inessa Stepanenko, Deputy District Director, Small Business Administration (SBA)
Weston Waldo, Director TEXVMS & Asst. Director Southwest I-Corps Hub, I-Corps
Cindy Matsuki, HSBIR Program Manager, Innovate Hawaii, Free and Secure Trade (FAST)

4:00 PM
Griffin Hall, Rooms 201, 202, 203, and 204 

Defense TechConnect, OELS, Fall Smart Cities Connect, SBIR/STTR, and Spotlight Showcase Expo Social and Poster Session I

4:00 PM
Rooms 201 and 202 

SBIR/STTR: Agency Tabletops Reception

4:00 PM
Rooms 203 and 204 

Defense TechConnect: Spotlight Showcase Tabletops Reception


Welcome and Opening Remarks
Jennifer Rocha, Strategic Partnerships, TechConnect Division, ATI
Emerging National Energy Challenges for a New Administration
Honorable Lucian Niemeyer, CEO, Building Cyber Security
Cyberspace as the 5th Domain of Conflict
John Garstka, Director for Cyber Warfare, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (OUSD(A&S)), U.S. Department of Defense
Oversight, advocacy, and policy for the Department of Defense (DoD) S&T enterprise
Aprille Ericcson, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Science and Technology (ASD(S&T)), U.S. Department of Defense
DOD Innovation Gamechangers Keynote Panel
Moderator: Jennifer Rocha, Strategic Partnerships, TechConnect Division, ATI
Erick Page-Littleford, Director, Small Business Innovation Research and Technology Transfer Office, U.S. Small Business Administration
Joe Bryan, President, Muswell Orange
Jack Ryan, Senior Program Manager, Energy Portfolio, DIU
Veronika Stelmakh, Co-Founder and CEO, Mesodyne, Inc.

10:00 AM
Lone Star Lobby 

Coffee Break

10:30 AM
Lone Star D 

SBIR/STTR: Agency Differences - Focus on Evaluation

Learn key insights on the criteria used to evaluate SBIR/STTR proposals.

Elden Hawkes, Jr., Partnership and Innovation Specialist, Small Business Administration (SBA)
Eileen Chant, Outreach Program Manager, Department of Energy (DOE)
Laurie Hobbs, ED/IES SBIR Management and Program Analyst, Department of Education (ED)
Nurun Nahar, Program Specialist, Division of Bioenergy, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Adam Sorkin, Small Business Policy Manager, National Institute of Health (NIH)

11:15 AM
Lone Star D 

SBIR/STTR: Transitioning to Phase II and beyond

Learn about the key steps and success factors for moving from Phase I to Phase II

Genevieve Lind, Program Manager, Small Business Administration (SBA)
Colleen Gibney, SBIR Deputy Program Manager, Defense Health Agency (DHA)
Jose Colucci, General Business Specialist, National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST)
Keith Harris, Director, Division of BioEnergy, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Jennifer Thabet, Program Director, Small Business Programs Office, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

12:00 PM
Lone Star D 

SBIR/STTR: Ask Me Anything Lunch - SBA (Lunch Not Provided)

Erick Page-Littleford, Director, Small Business Innovation Research and Technology Transfer Office, U.S. Small Business Administration

1:15 PM
Lone Star D 


Learn the keys to a successful SBIR/STTR journey and Phase III success.

Brian Shipley, Director, Navy SBIR/STTR Program, U.S. Navy
Angie Donahoo, Innovation Sector Director, General Services Administration (GSA)
Brandon White, Center Liaison (CL) and SBIR Infusion Manager, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Nicole Allen, Army SBIR Program Coordinator, U.S. Army
Carissa Grosh, Ventures Specific Topic Branch Chief, AFWERX, Air Force Research Laboratory

2:00 PM
Griffin Hall, Rooms 201, 202, 203, and 204 

Defense TechConnect, SBIR/STTR Agency Tabletops, and Smart Cities Connect Expo Hall Opens

2:00 PM
Rooms 201 and 202 

SBIR/STTR: Agency Tabletops

2:00 PM
Rooms 203 and 204 

Defense TechConnect: Spotlight Showcase Tabletops

2:00 PM
Lone Star D 

SBIR/STTR: Commercialization - Partnerships

Learn about programs that can support your transition to development and production. Learn what you can do to better position yourself for assistance.

Genevieve Lind, Program Manager, Small Business Administration (SBA)
Devin Bohanan, APFIT Program Manager, APFIT
Tylar Temple, Deputy Director, Defense SBIR/STTR Program Office, Department of Defense (DoD)
Jacob Choi, Regional Assistant Director, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
Manny Oliver, Director, SBIR/STTR Programs Office, Department of Energy (DOE)

2:45 PM
Lone Star D 

SBIR/STTR: Working With Defense Primes

Gain insight into the role major primes play in acquisition programs and how R&D from other businesses transitions into those programs.

Larry Dressman, Technology Manager, NAVSEA, U.S. Navy
Alf Carroll, Technology Transition Lead, Raytheon Engineering
Craig Owens, Program Manager for SBIR, Lockheed Martin
Terrell Reid, Corporate Supplier Diversity Programs Manager, Northrop Grumman
Colin Sindel, Contested Logistics Solutions, Boeing
Dr. Bahareh Haji-saeed, Technology Scouting Director, BAE Systems, Inc.

4:00 PM
Griffin Hall, Rooms 201, 202, 203, and 204 

Defense TechConnect, OELS, Fall Smart Cities Connect, SBIR/STTR, and Spotlight Showcase Expo Social and Poster Session II

4:00 PM
Rooms 201 and 202 

SBIR/STTR: Agency Tabletops Reception

4:00 PM
Rooms 203 and 204 

Defense TechConnect: Spotlight Showcase Tabletops Reception


9:15 AM
Lone Star D 

SBIR/STTR: Ask Me Anything - DoD

Gina Sims, Director, DoD SBIR/STTR, Department of Defense (DoD)

10:30 AM
Lone Star D 

SBIR/STTR: DoD Focus - Evaluator and TPOC

Hear directly from the people writing SBIR/STTR topics and evaluating the proposals. Topics: keys to a successful proposal, what you should know about TRLs and MRLs, and so much more.

Moderator: Gina Sims, Director, DoD SBIR/STTR, Department of Defense (DoD)
Dominique Quesada, Operations Manager, Defense Health Agency (DHA)
Allen Franke, Program Manager, AFWERX, Air Force Research Laboratory
Larry Dressman, Technology Manager, NAVSEA, U.S. Navy

11:15 AM
Lone Star D 

SBIR/STTR: Crossing Over from One Agency to Another

Learn about how companies can start with one agency in Phase I and move to a different agency in Phase II

Gina Sims, Director, DoD SBIR/STTR, Department of Defense (DoD)
Manny Oliver, Director, SBIR/STTR Programs Office, Department of Energy (DOE)
Connie Benesh, Outreach Manager, Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Robin Burke, Program Manager, Special Operations Command (SOCOM)

2024 Sponsors & Partners

Sponsors & Partners

2024 SBIR/STTR Agency Partners

SBIR/STTR Agency Partners

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All Department of Defense speakers are subject to budget travel changes.
*Participation by any United States Federal Agency in any TechConnect activity or event does not constitute an expressed or implied endorsement of any cosponsor, donor, grantee, contractor or participant’s opinions, products, or services.