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What are the key objectives of the Call For NAVSEA Energy Storage Solutions?
The U.S. Navy seeks cutting edge, dual-use energy storage technologies addressing critical national challenges. The US Department of Defense (DOD) invites new and innovative approaches that address critical technology needs and alleviate current and future supply chain risks in military batteries.
How do I go about saving a partially completed form?
It is not possible to save a partially completed form. We provide a Word document version, so you can outline your responses and organize your thoughts before entering and submitting them. You can download that here at the top of the page.
How will the Call For NAVSEA Energy Storage Solutions work?
TechConnect will accept applications from U.S. companies that have electronics technologies or materials that are commercially viable and are of interest to the DoD. Those applications will be evaluated, with finalists selected to pitch in person at the December Defense TechConnect event. A panel of evaluators will hear the pitches and select potential awardees.
Is the Navy seeking to include all three solutions in one pack, eventually?
No, we are seeking single solution submissions or if your solution is applicable to more than one topic, please submit separate solutions.
Could you provide a webinar recording for sharing and replay afterward?
Yes, the webinar was recorded and will be made available online for re-watching
Can you provide some insight on the areas of high energy storage you are looking for content on and what type of systems need that storage?
No, we are looking for specific solutions as noted in the preliminary statements of need and the DoD utilizes energy storage in many ways and ultimate use will vary.
Honestly I think energy 'Storage' is impractical (except for ballast). Would you consider a 'fuel free', non-ICE, non-nuclear nor non-typical tech (wind, PV): a hybrid-electric motor that cogenerates power supply?
All potential solutions to the statements of need will be accepted.
Is pumped storage hydropower an option? Are other non-battery storage approaches an option?
All potential solutions to the statements of need will be accepted.
What role are WBG semiconductors playing in NAVSEA's request for Energy Storage Solutions?
Battery Management Systems are a part of our lithium batteries that are tied not only to our proper operations, but to the Navy's Safety Certification Process (NAVSEA Instruction 9310). BMS can be varying degrees of complexity that are all electronics oriented that will need to adhere to some guideline for BMS's that are in development as requirements. There is a supply chain resilience piece to this as there is a great dependence on foreign components.
Will supercapacitor based solutions be considered for the interest area related to 'supply chain resilience'? Basically, will addressing the supply chain related to supercapacitor raw materials and onshore/off-shore manufacturing be considered?
Yes, it will be acceptable. In terms of manufacturing of ultra capacitors and super capacitors, a lot of that is done with some degree of a supply chain that is a problem for the DoD. The benefits would extend to broader than the DoD as we would be able to solve a problem that would benefit some other sector that is not impeded as we are with supply chain problems. This is considered a dual use technology.
Are all Success Criteria listed for the Low Temperature Rechargeable Batteries required? For example, it is very challenging for Lithium-ion batteries to charge at a temperature of 80C and maintain >100 cycle life.
If your solution meets some of the requirements but not all, you are welcome to submit a solution to the statements of need will be accepted.
Are solutions limited to hardware? Can software based Battery Management or Energy Management solutions be submitted?
All potential solutions to the statements of need will be accepted.
Are there any battery chemistries or approaches that are specifically not of interest?
We are interested in anything that can be made safe or contained. EPA and OSHA compliance will be taken into consideration.
Are these tests being generated by some MIL-PRF-29595 requirements as well?
No but would be good to state in your proposal.
Are your battery performance criteria referring to new battery cells or battery pack performance that may involve combinations of internal components?
No, open to all solutions.
Can the navy use larger cylindrical as well such as 32140 cells?
Yes, any cell that truly demonstrates performance and meet the statements of needs.
Does stand-alone adaptive AI management software for storage qualify or is it only hardware?
All potential solutions to the statements of need will be accepted.
Electrical energy storage such as dielectric capacitors has low energy density, but do NAVSEA interested to look some interesting ideas on dielectric electrical energy storage devices with high energy density?
All potential solutions to the statements of need will be accepted.
For the "Supply Chain Resilience Innovations for Energy Storage" has the DoD already identified all the pertinent supply chain issues and associated risk probability/impacts? Are you interested in proposals focused on that analysis?
If you have a unique solution that hasn't been done before, then your submission could be a candidate. There have been a lot of studies by a number of entities, trying to identify what the DoD battery supply chain problems look like. If you have specific insight on something that may have been overlooked in these other studies, that information is valuable.
How should we apply if we plan to integrate our new battery material into another vendor's battery cells in order to meet NAVSEA requirements? Should we apply as a team?
If you are collaborating with another company in order to jointly commercialize a technology, you may wish to include information about the other team in your response. Doing so may help strengthen you response by demonstrating the depth of experience, production capacity, etc. Funding will go to the applicant organization.
What TRL level is required for the third area (supply chain resilience)?
TRL 2-3 or higher
In the third topic, are novel technologies that avoid supply chain issues of interest? (as opposed to only supply chain litigation solutions)
Is there a document with the 134 risks to resilience listed?
Is there an interest in preservation of biofuels (from bacterial degradation)?
No, unless you are developing for a fuel cell that can be converted to electricity as long as it met the success criteria in the Statements of Need.
We have a zero volt tolerant and fast charging capable battery, but its energy density is moderate. It is a sodium ion technology. We have large high TRL cells. Should we submit about this?
All potential solutions to the statements of need will be accepted.
We have the capability, and have tested our chemistry, to low temperatures of up to -30C, with good capacity retention versus at 25C. We expect our tech to fairly retain performances up to -80C, however, we haven't tested that yet. What would you like to see in the applications? Would these kind of projections work?
All potential solutions to the statements of need will be accepted. Objective quality evidence will be needed at -80C.
What TRL are you interested in?
Zero-Volt Tolerant Fast Charging Batter and Low Temperature Rechargeable: TRL 5 or greater Supply chain resilience innovations: TRL 2 or greater
Will the draft BMS guidelines Sam mentioned be made available at any point?
Would a novel process for producing battery-grade graphite (anode material) qualify for this OTA?
The DoE has funded several projects already along those lines that the DoD hopes to leverage. If you plan to propose something along those lines you would have to distinguish yourself from those efforts that have already been funded. If uncertain whether your technology differs, please specify any previous government funding associated with your proposed solution and clearly identify how this differs from what was funded already. Previously government funded work cannot receive duplicate funding. Additional submittals of the technology should only be for additional development or implementation.
Would a smart battery management system that is battery agnostic and can provide some of the functionality you want using existing batteries be of interest under this topic?
All potential solutions to the statements of need will be accepted.
Would a winning proposal include a full battery system or are you focused on the cell level?
All potential solutions to the statements of need will be accepted.
Would an innovative dry electrode process that makes battery manufacturing more efficient and flexible fall under the Supply Chain Resilience portfolio? And what are the approximate award sizes in that tranche?
All potential solutions to the statements of need will be accepted.
The award determination will be made as part of the source selection process.
Do you have a sense of how many awards will be granted?
The award determination will be made as part of the source selection process.
For the low T application is it only cell level, could a pack or module be a deliverable?
Either would be acceptable.
For the topic on low temperature batteries, would you call it mandatory to see the test results at-80C, or would informed projections work for the application? (based on data at -50C)
Yes, if you are able to provide a pathway to achieve success, that would be considered.
So based on Mr. Stuart's comments, it sounds like NAVSEA is open to solutions that may include some company proprietary solutions with Limited data rights. Is that correct? If our IP investment in our solutions is at risk, that would be a disincentive to participate.
The solutions are requesting government purpose rights, however that could be negotiated.
We are developing a battery system that is highly insulated and has an internal heater. It can keep the active materials warm in a -60C environment. Would this be a fit for your low temperature battery opportunity?
All potential solutions to the statements of need will be accepted.
What level of preliminary result is required? Is there any sort of TRL for preliminary results?
Zero-Volt Tolerant Fast Charging Batter and Low Temperature Rechargeable: TRL 5 or greater
Supply chain resilience innovations: TRL 2 or greater
Would capacitors be eligible, instead of batteries? capacitors are better for directed energy and charge faster?
All potential solutions to the statements of need will be accepted.
If I've received Dept. of Energy funding for research on a technology, we would not be able to apply for this?
If uncertain whether your technology differs, please specify any previous government funding associated with your proposed solution and clearly identify how this differs from what was funded already. Previously government funded work cannot receive duplicate funding. Additional submittals of the technology should only be for additional development or implementation.
But by only providing "what" not "how", how will Crane be able to evaluate if the what claims are valid?
All eligible proposals will be evaluated by knowledgeable panelists from Crane with relevant expertise in the areas of interest. Furthermore, the response and the public pitch program are only part of the engagement process. Presenters will also participate in a closed-door conversation with the government evaluation team. Additionally, if sharing confidential information between Crane and a respondent is warranted, appropriate confidentiality agreements can then be established.
In short, the response is just your introduction to the review panel. During subsequent conversations with respondents and discussions between expert review panelists, determinations of validity can be made.
Pertaining to third area, fuel cells are listed as an energy storage device. Kindly provide some clarity as to the application desired for fuel cells in this solicitation.
We are looking for specific solutions as noted in the preliminary statements of need and the DoD utilizes energy storage in many ways and ultimate use will vary.
What if only part of the technology has been financed by the government, is that a disqualifier?
If uncertain whether your technology differs, please specify any previous government funding associated with your proposed solution and clearly identify how this differs from what was funded already. Previously government funded work cannot receive duplicate funding. Additional submittals of the technology should only be for additional development or implementation.
Is US incorporation a requirement for submission or would incorporation/relocation (for a mobile early-stage startup) be an option, if successful?
While US incorporation is not required for submission, it will be required for selection as a finalist.
Does the submitter have to have DOD clearance?
Is this open to large business enterprise or is it limited to small businesses?
Any size of business is eligible.
Is this only for US persons?
U.S. incorporated companies can apply. A permanent resident is considered a U.S. persons. Non permanent residents with a work VISA can be considered foreign interest and would not be qualified.
Is there a preference to have university or large industrial partners associated with a proposal?
The submissions will be judged based on the criteria provided. Partners will only add value if they help in the development of your solution.
Is this opportunity open to universities as well?
Can we receive funding if we are outside the US?
The Prime must be a U.S. based firm or institution organized or existing under the laws of the United States government in order to become a member of EMC² and be awarded a Project Agreement and funding. A sub can be a foreign company as long as they meet ITAR requirements.
Can we participate in this Consortium if we already applied to be a member in another Consortium?
If a proposed tech solution has received government funding previously, is that a disqualifier?
If uncertain whether your technology differs, please specify any previous government funding associated with your proposed solution and clearly identify how this differs from what was funded already. Previously government funded work cannot receive duplicate funding. Additional submittals of the technology should only be for additional development or implementation.
Do respondents need to join the Expeditionary Missions Consortium – Crane (EMC²)?
Respondents chosen to present will need to join EMC² to be eligible to give their presentation at the Defense TechConnect Innovation Summit. Currently, there are no membership fees for joining.
What is the timing for the Call For NAVSEA Energy Storage Solutions?
Are the dues covered upon reaching the presentation stage, or only rebated if you are a Winner?
EMC² has no required membership fees.
Can companies provide proposals on multiple technology opportunities?
How many applications do you get/expect in a typical submission cycle?
We are not able to speak to a potential number of applicants, as this is a first for the EMC² program.
If we are teaming, then does it matter if the company submits or the university or any preference or both should do separate submissions?
There probably is some consideration in who owns the technology. The funding will go to the applicant organization. The guidance from the administration team is one submission per technology, but each organization can have multiple technologies.
How can EMC²/TechConnect help expose, advertise and support (endorse) our system solutions to the broad defense community?
By virtue of participating in the Defense TechConnect pitch event, your solution will be exposed to the defense community.
Are there any restrictions on subcontracting and outsourcing? Both financially and ownership.
EMC² does not restrict this as long as they are a U.S.-based firm or institution organized or existing under the laws of the United States, its territories, or possessions. For the purposes of this Consortium Membership Agreement, any agency or instrumentality of a foreign government shall not be granted Membership.
What are the requirements to comply with the prototyping OTA statute?
In accordance with 10 U.S.C. §4022, each Prototype Project awarded under an OTA must meet at least one of the following conditions:
What is a "nontraditional defense contractor"?
For transactions authorized under 10 U.S.C. §4022, "nontraditional defense contractor" means an entity that is not currently performing and has not performed, for at least the one-year period preceding the solicitation of sources by the Department of Defense for the procurement or transaction, any contract or subcontract for the Department of Defense that is subject to full coverage under the cost accounting standards prescribed pursuant to section 1502 of title 41 and the regulations implementing such section.
Can we submit multiple entries?
Yes, each submission must be different technologies or solutions.
How many additional pages are allowed for the submission?
Please see the webpage. No more than two pages, PDF format, 8.5x11" size with font size 12 pt or greater. There is a 10 MB file size limit.
What are the requirements to become an EMC² member?
A list of membership obligations can be found in the Consortium Membership Agreement available on EMC² membership requires registration, a UEI and CAGE code, and an active DD Form 2345. Please visit the training page for guidance on meeting these requirements for DoD contracting.
Who will pay for travel to the Call For NAVSEA Energy Storage Solutions?
Presenters are responsible for their own travel to the event.
Is there a pitch, interview or similar step to go from submissions to presenter? Or are we only submitting one time that will be evaluated twice?
You submit an application only one time. Submissions will be reviewed by a government team to select Presenters for the Call For NAVSEA Energy Storage Solutions.
Does the application need to be non-proprietary?
Yes, we are requesting a non-proprietary description of the technology so that the review panel can evaluate the proposal which has more focus on the technical solution.
Can a small business retain the IP, or will the DOD own the IP?
Government is asking for Government Purpose Rights only.
Do we need a CAGE code by the December pitch session?
Can a professor from a university apply for this grant?
All submissions are accepted. Anyone chosen to present a solution must become an EMC² member. To become a member, applicants can apply through their University, company, or organization (ex LLC) and must meet the following requirements for their application to be approved:
1. A signed EMC membership application
2. Active DD2345
3. Active CAGE Code
4. Active
5. Active UEI" ATI
Regarding ITAR, is it okay for a permanent resident to apply?
Please see the following link for ITAR instructions:
How do we submit company proprietary technology that uses new materials and new methods in a sufficient detail when the requirement is for non-proprietary submissions?
All information presented in a response must be non-confidential, non-proprietary. This is for the protection of all parties - no IP can be misused or misappropriated if none has changed hands. When describing new methods/materials, focus on the performance achieved (e.g. 100% full charge in X minutes, X discharge cycles over overall lifespan of Y months, etc.) rather than how that performance is achieved.
Proprietary information may be presented during the closed session 1 v1s in front of a government only audience.
How long does it take to process the application to join EMC2?
If your application meets the following requirements upon submission, ATI can process it within 72 hours or less
1. A signed EMC membership application
2. Active DD2345
3. Active CAGE Code
4. Active
5. Active UEI
How many presenters vs. final winners do you anticipate?
The number of presenters at the Defense TechConnect Conference will depend on the number of eligible, in-scope responses received. The government is interested in multiple technologies for different use cases and, as such, may make multiple rewards following the procurement process.
The online proposal form has an optional 2 page PDF attachment. Is this intended for only supporting figures, or should this be used for a 2 page white paper?
If and how to use the optional PDF attachment is at the discretion of respondents. Using the optional PDF to share images of proposed technology is a valid choice as is sharing additional non-confidential technical and/or business details.
What is the difference between the vetted programs/awards and the next box - awards/contracts?
Vetted awards generally refers to awards made through SBIR/STTR or other similar programs whereas awards/contracts refers more to private sector funding or signed contracts. However, there is no rigid delineation here: use these two spaces to share information about awards of any kind which you have received from outside entities.
Why non-confidential? How are we able to distinguish ourselves competitively?
If it's non-confidential, then that allows free dissemination of our info to competitors. Are you not looking for innovative solutions? "All information submitted via the response form must be non-confidential in nature, whether in the online form or as part of the optional PDF attachment. There are two main reasons for requiring non-confidential information. First, it would be logistically impossible to draft, negotiate, and sign confidentiality agreements between program administrators, sponsors (i.e. Crane), and all respondents. Second and more importantly, by keeping information at a non-confidential level, no IP or enabling information is shared with anyone, protecting your technology.
Responses to innovation projects like this are not meant to be a fully bespoke technical and business proposal covering all aspects of the technology and future collaborations. Instead, responses are meant to provide 1) an introduction to your company, 2) a high level summary of your technology, and 3) an expression of interest in collaboration with sponsors. By sharing compelling information about the performance of your technology, especially versus alternatives, you can make a persuasive argument for your technology without compromising your IP or by sharing confidential information.
If there is a need for sharing of confidential information between Crane and a respondent in the future, that will be addressed directly between Crane and that organization.
Can the primary entity submitting a solution be a University with industrial partners in the team?
Your box on value proposition: Is that classic overall value proposition, or should it have details on how it is better than the competition?
Both are valid and of interest. If you have data demonstrating that your technology offers a marked improvement versus alternatives (e.g. reduced size/weight/power/cost, increased power density/charge time, etc.), include that information. If, on the other hand, your technology doesn't have many competitors, it might be advantageous to indicate the overall value offered.
If the same technology fits more than one area can the same technology be applied to more than one of the three so long as the description of the fit is unique?
If a single technology could align with all three areas of interest, then it could be submitted for each one, provided that each response was sufficiently distinct.
Is there any kind of solicitation for the preparation of the proposal? If yes, can you share the link?
Via the project page, interested organizations can view the entire response form prior to officially submitting a response. This will allow you to see what kinds of information is being requested. Additionally, there is a link at the top of the response form page that allows you to download a Microsoft Word version of the response form. Should you use the Word document, you will need to copy/paste any information from the document into the online form before submitting.
Do the panel members have any influence on the source selection process?
The panel members are not part of the source selection evaluation team and not in a position to influence the award process.
Who will choose the presenters?
Teams composed of government personnel review the applications and select Presenters to deliver non-proprietary presentation at the event.
What presentations are required at the event?
Presenters will be required to present their topic in an open public forum as well as to a closed-door government evaluation team.
How does EMC² evaluate proposals, and what are the program priorities?
The government will evaluate solutions to assess each respondent's understanding of the work and its ability to accomplish the stated tasking and successfully deliver prototype(s). Please see Preliminary Statements of Need for specific Success Criteria by topic.
How many awards are expected?
The government is looking for many different solutions and multiple awards may be made following the full procurement process.
What is the procurement process?
EMC² is utilizing TechConnect Submission and Forum as a vehicle to award under the 10 U.S. Code § 4022. Following the December event, submissions showing potential for success will be engaged for follow on requirements to include additional conversations and detailed Milestone Schedules and Statements of Work.
For submission questions, please contact Laura Murphree at
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