Defense TechConnect

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  2024 DAY-AT-A-GLANCE  

All Times Listed Are In Central Daylight Time (CDT)

View 2024 Detailed Program

Monday, December 2 - Registration 1:00pm-6:00pm
1:00pm-6:00pm Registration
Tuesday, December 3
Defense TechConnect Defense TechConnect
Prism DOD Micro Electronics Summit

OELS 2024

Resilience Week
7:00am-6:00pm Registration, Lone Star Lobby
8:00am-10:00am Joint Keynotes: Defense TechConnect, OELS, Resilience Week, and SBIR/STTR, Lone Star E
10:00am-10:30am Coffee and Networking Break, Lone Star Lobby

WERX Funding and Partners, Lone Star C

Oil Sands Artificial Lift Challenge
Room 302
Microelectronics for Harsh Environments, (10:30am-11:30am) Lone Star F DOD and DOE Energy Areas of Interest, Room 301 Communication Pathways and Education Tools for an Evolving Grid (10:15am), Lone Star A SBIR 101, Lone Star D
DOD and DOE Energy Areas of
Interest, Room 301
Novel Approaches to Infrastructure Risk Management and Resilience (10:15am), Lone Star B
11:30am-12:15pm Innovation Spotlights:
  • Aerospace and Defense I, Lone Star C
Innovation Spotlights:
  • Biomedical I, Room 303
Advances in Optoelectronics
and Nanoelectronics,
(11:45am-12:45pm) Lone Star F
DOD and Navy Operational Energy (OE) Data, Room 301 Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities and Connected Vehicles, Lone Star A Agency Reverse Pitches (11:00am), Lone Star D
Cyber-physical Resilience Considerations for Distributed Energy Technologies, Lone Star B
12:00-1:30 Lunch (on own) Ask Me Anything - SBIR Program Offices, Lone Star D
1:30pm-2:15pm Innovation Spotlights:
  • Aerospace and Defense II, Lone Star C
Innovation Spotlights:
  • Biomedical II, Lone Star B
Advanced Packaging for National Defense Applications, Lone Star F Innovation Spotlights:
  • Operational Energy, Room 301
Driving Forces Behind the Digital Energy Transformation, Lone Star E Navigating Agency Differences (1:15pm), Lone Star D
Executing My Award (2:00pm), Lone Star D
2:00pm-6:00pm Expo Hall Open, Griffin Hall, Rooms 201, 202, 203, 204
2:30pm-3:15pm Innovation Spotlights:
  • C5ISR I, Lone Star C
Innovation Spotlights:
  • AI/Data/Cyber I, Room 301
Passive Threat Detection, Lone Star F Innovation Spotlights:
  • AI/Data/Cyber I, Room 301
Innovation Spotlights:
  • AI/Data/Cyber I, Room 301
Finding Help - Getting Started (2:45pm), Lone Star D
3:30-4:15 Innovation Spotlights:
  • Microelectronics and Sensors I, Lone Star C
Innovation Spotlights:
  • Installation Energy and Resilience, Room 302
Microelectronics Startup Panel,
Lone Star F
Innovation Spotlights:
  • AI/Data/Cyber II, Room 301
The Future of Distributed Wind: Integration, Challenges, and Opportunities (3:00pm), Lone Star E

Defense TechConnect: Corporate and Venture Capital Speed Dating (no advanced signup required)

4:00pm-6:00pm Defense TechConnect, SBIR/STTR Agency Tabletops, Smart Cities Connect, and Poster Session I: Expo Hall Social,Griffin Hall, Rooms 201, 202, 203, 204
Wednesday, December 4
Defense TechConnect Defense TechConnect

OELS 2024
Resilience Week SBIR/STTR Fall
7:00am-6:00pm Registration, Lone Star Lobby
8:30am-10:00am Joint Keynotes: Defense TechConnect, OELS, Resilience Week, MOSAICS Industry Day, and SBIR/STTR, Lone Star E
10:00am-10:30am Coffee and Networking Break, Lone Star Lobby
10:30am-11:30pm Innovation Management: Opportunities and Challenges, Room 303
Sponsored by:
Smart Cities-Smart Bases:
Overview of Challenges and Opportunities, Lone Star F
MOSAICS (More Situational Awareness for Industrial Control Systems) Industry Day: Unity of Effort, Lone Star C Contested Logistics, Room 301

301 Critical Function Assurance: a Consequence-Based Approach to Operating Through Compromise, (10:15am) Lone Star A

Differences - Focus on Evaluation
Lone Star D
Call For NAVSEA Energy Storage Solutions
Room 205

Mind the Resilience Gaps (10:15am), Lone Star B

11:30am-12:15pm Leveraging Digital Twin and Data Mesh Technologies to Accelerate Responsible AI Adoption, Room 302
Sponsored by:
Edge Technologies
Smart Cities-Smart Bases:
Challenge II, Lone Star F
MOSAICS Industry Day: Unity of Effort, Lone Star C Innovation Spotlights:
  • Logistics, Room 301
Building a Secure and Resilient Manufacturing Supply Chain Across Sectors, Lone Star A Transitioning to Phase II and
Beyond (11:15am), Lone Star D
Innovation Spotlights:
  • Logistics, Room 301
Call For NAVSEA Energy Storage Solutions
The Future of Transmission Expansion for National Defense, Lone Star B
12:00pm-1:30pm Lunch (on own) Ask Me Anything - SBIR Program
Offices, Lone Star D
1:30pm-2:15pm Innovation Spotlights:
  • Advanced Materials I,Room 301
  • AI/Data/Cyber III, Room 302
Smart Cities-Smart Bases:
Challenge II, Lone Star F
MOSAICS Industry Day: Unity of Effort, Lone Star C Innovation Spotlights:
  • AI/Data/Cyber III, Room 302
Innovation Spotlights:
  • AI/Data/Cyber III, Room 302

Phase III (1:15pm), Lone Star D


Call For NAVSEA Energy Storage Solutions
Room 205
DOD Joint MOSAICS (J-MOSAICS): The DOD Approach to Meet Zero Trust for Defense Critical Infrastructure (DCI), Lone Star E

Commercialization - Partnerships
(2:00pm), Lone Star D


Expo Hall Open, Griffin Hall, Rooms 201, 202, 203, 204

2:30pm-4:00pm Innovation Spotlights:
  • Advanced Materials and Advanced Manufacturing II, Room 301
Smart Cities-Smart Bases:
Innovation Challenge III and Winner Announcement, Lone Star F
MOSAICS Industry Day: Unity of Effort, Lone Star C Working with Defense Primes (2:45pm), Lone Star D

Securing Our Nation's Interconnected Ports (3:00pm), Lone Star E

Working With Defense Primes
(2:45pm), Lone Star D
Capital Factory Startup Showcase (2:45pm-4:30pm), Room 302
Call For NAVSEA Energy Storage Solutions
Room 205

Defense TechConnect: Corporate and Venture Capital Speed Dating (no advanced signup required)

4:00pm-6:00pm Defense TechConnect, SBIR/STTR Agency Tabletops, Smart Cities Connect, and Poster Session II: Expo Hall Social, MOSAICS INDUSTRY DAY events.techconnect. Expo Hall Open, Griffin Hall, Rooms 201, 202, 203, 204
Thursday, December 5
Defense TechConnect Resilience Week Resilience Week SBIR/STTR Fall
8:00am-1:00pm Registration, Lone Star Lobby
9:00-9:45 Innovation Spotlights:
• Aerospace, Defense, AI, and Cyber, Room 301
Climate Resilience Planning for Electric Utilities (8:30am-9:30am), Lone Star B

Aligning Energy Planning Across Spatial Scales (8:30am-9:30am), Lone Star A

Ask Me Anything - DoD (9:15am), Lone Star D
10:00-11:00 Innovation Spotlights: • Energy and Resilience (10:15am), Room 301 Cyber-Informed Renewables – Applying CIE to Microgrids
and Energy Storage (9:45am-10:30am), Lone Star B

Big Data and Energy Justice for Tribes and Small
Communities: Concerns and Solutions (9:45am-10:30am),
Lone Star A

11:00-12:00 Innovation Spotlights (11:15am), Room 301 Critical Materials Supply Chain Sustainability, Lone Star B IEEE Paper Session, Lone Star A

DoD Focus – Evaluator and TPOC, Lone Star D

Crossing Over from One Agency to Another (11:15am),
Lone Star D

12:10 - 2:30

Walking Tour: A Smart City Living Lab Walking Tour, (ticketed), JW Marriott Lobby
   In Partnership with


Capital Factory Tour - Sign Up Today at:

Capital Factory connects startups with partners across government and academia, forming a one-stop shop for dual-use innovation. Come tour Capital Factory's Headquarters (10 minute walk from the JW Marriott) to learn about their unique ecosystem and partnership model.



12:00 PM
Lone Star Ballroom Lobby 



8:00 AM
Lone Star Ballroom E 

Defense TechConnect, SBIR/STTR, Resilience Week, and SBIR/STTR Keynotes

Presentation of Colors and National Anthem
Army ROTC Color Guard, University of Texas at Austin
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Jennifer Rocha, Strategic Partnerships, TechConnect Division, ATI
Accelerating Innovation For National Security
John Jansen, CEO, ATI
Naval Surface Warfare Center Overview and Areas of Interest
Jenna Nix, Director of Engagment, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division, Naval Sea Systems Command
Naval Surface Warfare Center Overview and Areas of Interest
Lisa Good, Chief of the Contracting Office, Department Head, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division, Naval Sea Systems Command
Microelectronics Manufacturing PRISM Summit Welcome Remarks
David Daniel, Chair of the Texas Semiconductor Innovation Consortium Executive Committee, Office of the Governor of Texas
Resilience Week Welcome Remarks
Ollie Gagnon, Chief Homeland Security Advisor, Idaho National Laboratory
Resilience Week Keynote
Robert Russell, Regional Director (A) for Region 6, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
Accelerating Innovation through America's Seed Fund
Erick Page-Littleford, Director, Small Business Innovation Research and Technology Transfer Office, U.S. Small Business Administration
Welcome Remarks from AFC Austin
Major General Michael “Mac” McCurry, Chief of Staff, Army Futures Command

10:00 AM
Lone Star Lobby 

Coffee Break

10:30 AM
Room 301 

DOD and DOE Funding and Technology Areas of Interest

There are many ways to work with the military and government to fund your new technology and find partners to take it to the next stage of development. Learn more about funding and partnership opportunities from leadership at ARPA-E, US Combatant Commands, and the DOD. After the briefings, we will shift to a roundtable discussion with audience Q&A.

Welcome and Opening Remarks
Moderator: Jennifer Rocha, Strategic Partnerships, TechConnect Division, ATI
Cayle Bradley, Technology-to-Market Advisor, Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E)
Earl Armstrong, Naval Operational Energy Office, Tech Advisor, U.S. Navy
Ross Roley, Energy and Cyber Innovation Lead, Battelle in Support of U.S. Indo Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM)

10:30 AM
Lone Star C 

Defense TechConnect: DEFENSEWERX - The Power of the PIA: From Ideas to Impact (Formerly WERX Funding and Partners)

Ready to cut through the red tape and bring innovative ideas to life? Partnership Intermediary Agreements (PIAs) are your gateway to faster, more efficient collaboration with Government, transforming cutting-edge concepts into real-world solutions with less bureaucracy and more impact. In this dynamic panel, Directors from DEFENSEWERX Innovation Hubs, along with Government Partners, will showcase how PIAs streamline the innovation process, remove barriers, and accelerate the path from idea to deployment. Learn how these powerful partnerships between government and tech innovators are driving breakthroughs in national security by opening doors to funding, resources, and unparalleled opportunities. Whether you’re a startup, established business, researcher, or Government Partner, this session will provide you with the insights and strategies needed to leverage the PIA, reduce friction, and get your technology into the hands of those who need it most—faster than ever before.

Keri Cline, Program Manager, DEFENSEWERX
Craig Zamary, Hub Director, HSWERX, DEFENSEWERX
Jennifer Casey, Hub Director (ICWERX), DEFENSEWERX
Bob Ross, Hub Director, Cyber Fusion Innovation Center, DEFENSEWERX
Stephen Elliott, Hub Director, DEFENSEWERX
Benjamin Henry, Advisor for Technology Transfer, U.S. Department of Homeland Security S&T

10:30 AM
Room 302 

Defense TechConnect: Oil Sands Artificial Lift Challenge

10:38 AM
10:46 AM
Blue Earth Energy
10:54 AM
11:02 AM
Judges Deliberation
11:10 AM
Winner Announced

10:15 AM
Lone Star A 

Resilience Week: Communication Pathways and Education Tools for an Evolving Grid

This panel will explore current and future communications landscape for the power grid, focusing on two key programs for DOE's Office of Electricity: Secure Pathways for Resilient Communication (SPaRC) and the Center for Alternate Synchronization and Timing (CAST). SPaRC addresses communications challenges in the evolving grid, including secure communication pathways, data communication requirements, and the roles of latency, bandwidth, and throughput. CAST focuses on designing and testing a secure, non-GPS terrestrial synchronization architecture for the power grid and other critical infrastructures, providing precision timing services, and developing educational tools.

Brad Nelson, Project Manager, Smart Grid, Critical Infrastructure Protection, Idaho National Laboratory
Carter Christopher, Head of the Human Dynamics R&D, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Angie Kelic, Distinguished Staff Member, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Bukowski, Senior Technology Leader, Idaho National Laboratory

10:15 AM
Lone Star B 

Resilience Week: Novel Approaches to Infrastructure Risk Management and Resilience

This session will discuss three novel approaches to risk management and resilience. Participants will leave with a nuanced understanding of the complex risks facing critical infrastructure and equipped with a suite of strategic tools and knowledge to bolster infrastructure risk management, resilience, and security.

Ryan Donaghy, Acting Deputy Assistant Director for Stakeholder Engagement, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
John Eddy, Principal Member, Sandia National Laboratories
Gabriel Weaver, Senior Critical Infrastructure Analyst, Idaho National Laboratory
Brian Pierre, Manager, Electric Power Systems Research Department, Sandia National Laboratories

10:30 AM
Lone Star F 

PRISM: Microelectronics for Harsh Environments

Introduction; Pioneering capabilities and advances at CHESS
Moderator: Manuel Quevedo-Lopez, Professor, UT Dallas
DoD challenges to be overcome for harsh environments
Eric Forsythe, Technical Director, CHIPS Manufacturing USA Program
Challenges and opportunities in digital electronics operating at high temperatures (> 300 C)
Joshua Kennedy, Senior Research Physicist and Research Team Lead, AFRL
Use of cyclotron to investigate radiation effects
Henry Clark, Radiation Effects Facility Manager, Texas A&M
Semiconductors and integrated circuits in harsh environments
Alan Mantooth, Distinguished Professor, The Twenty-First Century Research Leadership Chair in Engineering, University of Arkansas

10:30 AM
Lone Star D 


The Basics about the SBIR Program

Erick Page-Littleford, Director, Small Business Innovation Research and Technology Transfer Office, U.S. Small Business Administration

11:00 AM
Lone Star D 

SBIR/STTR: Agency Reverse Pitches

Samir Iqbal, Program Director, National Science Foundation (NSF)
Adam Sorkin, Small Business Policy Manager, Health and Human Services (HHS)
Eileen Chant, Outreach Program Manager, Department of Energy (DOE)
Keith Woodman, SBIR Senior Operations Manager, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Laurie Hobbs, ED/IES SBIR Management and Program Analyst, Department of Education (ED)
Nicole Berry, SBIR Program Administrator, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Rachael Sack, Chief, Innovative Research Division, Department of Transportation (DOT)
Keith Harris, Director, Division of BioEnergy, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Connie Benesh, Outreach Manager, Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Tylar Temple, Deputy Director, Defense SBIR/STTR Program Office, Department of Defense (DOD)
Zach Vaughn, Chief, Office of Research and Innovation, Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA)
Michele Pollard, Program Manager, Technology Partnerships Office, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

11:30 AM
Room 303 

Defense TechConnect Innovation Spotlights: Biomedical I

The Defense TechConnect(DTC) Innovation Spotlights are designed to accelerate private-sector and defense-sourced technology solutions aligned with warfighter and national security problem-sets.

Review Panelists
Jonathan Jakischa (Session Chair), Open Innovation Project Manager, TechConnect Division, ATI
Camille Stebbins, Deputy Director of Business Development, Advanced Technology International (ATI)
Jenny Ligon, Ecosystems Liaison, ATI
Sonia Vohnout, Founder and President, OppsSpot, LLC
Jim Graham, Managing Director, Arsenal Bridge Ventures
Sandro Serro, Partner, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
Leo Welder, Owner/Consultant, LJW3 Consulting
11:35 AM

11:30 AM
Lone Star C 

Defense TechConnect Innovation Spotlights: Aerospace and Defense I

The Defense TechConnect(DTC) Innovation Spotlights are designed to accelerate private-sector and defense-sourced technology solutions aligned with warfighter and national security problem-sets.

Opening Remarks
Jennifer Thabet, Program Director, DARPA
Review Panelists
Craig Owens, Systems Engineer, Principal; Corporate SBIR Program Manager, Lockheed Martin
Bart Romanowicz (Session Chair), Sr. Advisor, TechConnect Division, ATI
Elizabeth Onasanya, Senior Investment Analyst, Lockheed Martin Ventures
Noemie Vauthelin, US Zone Director, Safran Group
Alf Carroll, Technology Transition Lead, Raytheon Engineering
Joe Epstein, Space Strategic Partnerships Lead for Engineering and Technology ( E&T), Lockheed Martin
11:45 AM
Poseidon Asymmetrical Maritime Defense System, Bishop Ascendant Inc, New Jersey
11:52 AM
Antifog Coating, Luna Labs USA, LLC, Virginia

11:30 AM
Room 301 

OELS: DOD and Navy Operational Energy (OE) Data

The Department of Defense (DOD) and Department of the Navy (DON) Operational Energy Data panel will explore the data integration efforts across the Joint Force and Fleet. Topics of interest include how authoritative data sources influence the DON's planning factor updates, mission-based burn rates, Theater Energy Model (TEM), Joint Force Operational Energy Data Model (JFOEDM), Energy Command and Control (EC2), Energy Supportability Analysis (ESA) and Energy Key Performance Parameter (eKPP) Development. The panel will discuss how the DON is organized to address these pressing issues.

Moderator: Neil Holloran, OPNAV N94, U.S. Navy
Honorable Lucian Niemeyer, CEO and former ASD (EI&E) and ASN (EI&E), Building Cyber Security
Earl Armstrong, Naval Operational Energy Office, Tech Advisor, U.S. Navy
Peter McCauley, Technical Warrant Holder for Machinery Integration, NAVSEA 05Z11, U.S. Navy
Jacques Jarman, Chief Growth & Federal Operations Officer, Edge Technologies

11:30 AM
Lone Star A 

Resilience Week: Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities and Connected Vehicles

Modern vehicles are increasingly software-defined; that is, increasingly sensored, automated, and connected in ways that present significant cybersecurity, privacy, and resilience challenges across all missions. EVs are not only wirelessly connected, but also connect physically to charging infrastructure and often energy systems within facilities. Vehicles are also ubiquitous: every organization has a vehicle fleet and individual employees, contractors, and visitors bring their own devices onto federal facilities. National policies (e.g., the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Inflation Reduction Act, and E.O. 14057, Catalyzing Clean Energy Industries and Jobs Through Federal Sustainability) are driving electrification of federal vehicle fleets and installation of electrical vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure. However, the PRC is the dominant global producer of EVs, batteries, and related components. Technical vulnerabilities and supply chain risks from this new critical infrastructure are not well understood. This panel will discuss current R&D efforts and operational coordination across several federal mission partners to address cyber threats and vulnerabilities associated with connected vehicles and EVs.

Cheri Caddy, Senior Technical Advisor for Cybersecurity, U.S. Department of Energy
Sandy Kline, Director Facility Related Control Systems, Office of the Secretary of Defense(EI&E)/Construction
Casey Mills, Assistant Chief, United States Border Patrol Intelligence Divsion

11:30 AM
Lone Star B 

Resilience Week: Cyber-physical Resilience Considerations for Distributed Energy Technologies

The power grid, once viewed as a standalone physical entity, has undergone a profound transformation in recent years, evolving into a complex cyber-physical system through its integration with advanced digital technologies and communication networks. The increasing presence of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) (e.g., solar, battery storage, wind and electric vehicles) in the modernizing electric grid requires a revolutionary change in data management and utilization, while also demanding long-term cyber-physical security and resilience measures tailored to DER that are critical for ensuring a clean energy future. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) and advanced controls can play a crucial role in addressing these challenges by providing high-fidelity cyber-physical data insights, and predictive capabilities to ensure a secure, efficient, and sustainable integration of DERs into the grid. This panel will discuss the state of the art in cyber physical security at the grid edge.

Marissa Morales-Rodriguez, Systems Integration Technology Manager, SETO, U.S. Department of Energy
Kerri Stewart, Chief Strategy Officer, Miller Electric Company
Jairo Giraldo, Research Assistant Professor, University of Utah
Birk Jones, Researcher, Sandia National Laboratories

11:30 AM
Lone Star F 

PRISM: Advances in Optoelectronics and Nanoelectronics

Introduction and overview of most promising research areas
Moderator: Sanjay Banerjee, Professor and Director, Microelectronics Research Center, UT Austin
Opto-electronic interconnects
Ray Chen, Professor, UT Austin
Advances in Photonic Crystal Lasers and Modulators
Weidong Zhou, Professor and Director of Photonics Program, UT Austin
DOD Perspective
Michael Bakas, South Regional Lead, ARL
Photonics advances and applications
David Harame, COO, AIM Photonics

12:15 PM

Lunch (on own)

12:00 PM
Lone Star D 

SBIR/STTR: Ask Me Anything Lunch - SBIR Agencies (Lunch Not Provided)

Genevieve Lind, Program Manager, Small Business Administration (SBA)
Eileen Chant, Outreach Program Manager, Department of Energy (DOE)
Adam Sorkin, Small Business Policy Manager, National Institute of Health (NIH)
Samir Iqbal, Program Director, National Science Foundation (NSF)

1:15 PM
Lone Star D 

SBIR/STTR: Navigating Agency Differences

An inside look into the world of SBIR/STTR. You should leave with an understanding of how to figure out which agency is right for you and concrete next steps.

Elden Hawkes, Jr., Partnership and Innovation Specialist, Small Business Administration (SBA)
Candace Wright, SBIR/STTR Program Lead, Missile Defense Agency (MDA)
Eddie Billingslea, Small Business Strategy Coordinator, National Institute of Health (NIH)
Samir Iqbal, Program Director, National Science Foundation (NSF)
Nicole Berry, SBIR Program Administrator, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

1:30 PM
Lone Star C 

Defense TechConnect Innovation Spotlights: Aerospace and Defense II

The Defense TechConnect(DTC) Innovation Spotlights are designed to accelerate private-sector and defense-sourced technology solutions aligned with warfighter and national security problem-sets.

Review Panelists
Craig Owens, Systems Engineer, Principal; Corporate SBIR Program Manager, Lockheed Martin
Nick Kacsandi (Session Chair), Senior Business Development & Sales Manager, TechConnect Division, ATI
Elizabeth Onasanya, Senior Investment Analyst, Lockheed Martin Ventures
Martha Dixon, Small Business Liaison Officer (SBLO), Northrop Grumman
Jennifer Casey, Hub Director (ICWERX), DEFENSEWERX
Craig Zamary, Hub Director, HSWERX, DEFENSEWERX
Joe Epstein, Space Strategic Partnerships Lead for Engineering and Technology ( E&T), Lockheed Martin
1:42 PM
1:49 PM
Soldier Digital Twin, Texas State University, Texas
1:56 PM
Integrated Ti:Sapphire Photonics, Brightlight Photonics, Inc., Delaware

1:30 PM
Lone Star B 

Defense TechConnect Innovation Spotlights: Biomedical II

The Defense TechConnect(DTC) Innovation Spotlights are designed to accelerate private-sector and defense-sourced technology solutions aligned with warfighter and national security problem-sets.

Review Panelists
Camille Stebbins, Deputy Director of Business Development, Advanced Technology International (ATI)
Jonathan Jakischa (Session Chair), Open Innovation Project Manager, TechConnect Division, ATI
Sonia Vohnout, Founder and President, OppsSpot, LLC
Jenny Ligon, Ecosystems Liaison, ATI
Jim Graham, Managing Director, Arsenal Bridge Ventures
Sandro Serro, Partner, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
Leo Welder, Owner/Consultant, LJW3 Consulting
1:42 PM
2:03 PM
RESP Biosensor, Strados Labs, Inc., Pennsylvania
2:10 PM
Wearable Hemodynamic Monitor, Mathtech, Virginia

1:30 PM
Room 301 

OELS and Resilience Week: Innovation Spotlights: Operational Energy

The OELS Pitch Sessions are designed to accelerate private-sector and defense-sourced technology solutions aligned with warfighter and national security problem-sets. DOD and Industry feedback provided to presenters on: solution fit, strengths of technology, challenges of implementation/adoption, positioning guidance, and potential collaboration opportunities.

Review Panelists
James Caley, Director of Operational Energy, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Energy, U.S. Navy
Earl Armstrong, Naval Operational Energy Office, Tech Advisor, U.S. Navy
Michael Mazzocco (Session Chair), President and CEO, Alytic/US Navy
Cayle Bradley, Technology-to-Market Advisor, Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E)
Kevin Mish, Senior Program Manager, Abbott On Call, Inc.
1:56 PM

1:30 PM
Lone Star E 

Resilience Week: Driving Forces Behind the Digital Energy Transformation

The growth of renewable energy technologies that require geographic distribution, smart energy technologies that make energy usage more efficient, and the advances in software that make use of large amounts of data to enable new grid functionalities are transforming the electric energy system from a largely analog, centralized system, to a digital distributed and virtually orchestrated environment. This transformation is being driven by challenges in increasing demand, aging infrastructure, and the urgent need to reduce the impact of that delivery on the environment and climate globally. Digital transformation represents a strategic response to these challenges, offering opportunities to enhance energy delivery reliability, resilience and cost. However, the features included in this digital environment could increase our cyber management without adequate risk assessment and mitigation and proactive planning efforts. Cyber risks are exacerbated by growing adversarial interest in targeting critical infrastructure, including energy infrastructure, and intensifying natural hazards. This session will focus on enhancing resilience and reliability of power systems over the course of the digital energy transition. Discussions will include focus on mitigations for systems already in the field, increasing cyber resilience as upgrades and additions are made, and design choices for more secure systems currently being planned.

Megan Culler, Power Engineer/Researcher, Idaho National Laboratory
Scott Hinson, Chief Technology Officer, Pecan Street
Shari Gribbin, Managing Partner, CNK Solutions
Karan Patel, Managing Director - Energy Solutions and Clean Energy, Rappahannock Electric Cooperative

1:30 PM
Lone Star F 

PRISM: Advanced Packaging for National Defense Applications

Introduction and overview of TIE
Moderator: John Schreck, CEO, TIE
DOD Microelectronics Manufacturing Center
S.V. Sreenivasan, Professor, UT Austin
Pushing the boundaries of advanced packaging solutions
Brett Wilkerson, AMD Fellow, AMD
The DoD advanced packaging needs
Tim Hancock, Principal Engineering Fellow, Director Microelectronics Initiatives, RTX

2:00 PM
Griffin Hall, Rooms 201, 202, 203, and 204 

Defense TechConnect, SBIR/STTR Agency Tabletops, and Smart Cities Connect Expo Hall Opens

2:00 PM
Rooms 201 and 202 

SBIR/STTR: Agency Tabletops

2:00 PM
Rooms 203 and 204 

Defense TechConnect: Spotlight Showcase Tabletops

2:00 PM
Lone Star D 

SBIR/STTR: Executing My Award

Leave with an understanding of what needs to be done during Phase I to comply with grants/contracts and to put your organization in the best position for Phase II.

Genevieve Lind, Program Manager, Small Business Administration (SBA)
Doug Goodman, Commercialization Partner, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Rachael Sack, Chief, Innovative Research Division, Department of Transportation (DOT)
Jose Colucci, General Business Specialist, National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST)

2:45 PM
Lone Star D 

SBIR/STTR: Finding Help - Getting Started

This panel will highlight the various types of help and support available for SBIR applicants.

Lyn Womack, Deputy National Ombudsman, Small Business Administration, Office of the National Ombudsman (SBA ONO)
Reynaldo Vasquez, Southwest Regional Outreach Officer, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
Inessa Stepanenko, Deputy District Director, Small Business Administration (SBA)
Weston Waldo, Director TEXVMS & Asst. Director Southwest I-Corps Hub, I-Corps
Cindy Matsuki, HSBIR Program Manager, Innovate Hawaii, Free and Secure Trade (FAST)

2:30 PM
Lone Star C 

Defense TechConnect: Innovation Spotlights: C5ISR I

The Defense TechConnect(DTC) Innovation Spotlights are designed to accelerate private-sector and defense-sourced technology solutions aligned with warfighter and national security problem-sets.

Review Panelists
Bart Romanowicz (Session Chair), Sr. Advisor, TechConnect Division, ATI
Mike Borzcik, Technology Team Member, Army Applications Laboratory
Dave Rios, DTIC-IAC Field Advisor, USCENTCOM, Cloud Lake Technology, LLC
Paul Feinberg, External Technology Partnerships, Northrop Grumman
2:35 PM
Cyber Autonomy Range, Southern Methodist University, Darwin Deason Institute for Cyber Security, Texas
2:49 PM
C3 internet drone tower, Relative Dynamics Inc., Maryland
2:56 PM
AliroNet™, Aliro, Massachusetts
3:03 PM
AETHER, Intelligent Waves LLC, Virginia

2:30 PM
Room 301 

OELS and Resilience Week: Innovation Spotlights: AI/Data/Cyber I

The OELS Pitch Sessions are designed to accelerate private-sector and defense-sourced technology solutions aligned with warfighter and national security problem-sets. DOD and Industry feedback provided to presenters on: solution fit, strengths of technology, challenges of implementation/adoption, positioning guidance, and potential collaboration opportunities.

Review Panelists
Ross Roley (Session Chair), Energy and Cyber Innovation Lead, Battelle in Support of U.S. Indo Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM)
Daryl Haegley, Technical Director, Control Systems Cyber Resiliency, U.S. Air and Space Force
Aleksandra Scalco, Engineer, Naval Information Warfare Center(NIWC)
Cayle Bradley, Technology-to-Market Advisor, Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E)
Rich Scalco, NIWC Senior Cyber Engineer & MOSAICS CyberSHIELD Technical Manager, Naval Information Warfare Center(NIWC)
2:42 PM
Bluescape, Bluescape, Virginia
2:49 PM
SocketZero- Zero Trust Solution, Radius Method, Florida
2:56 PM
ChainOne Software Factory, CSEngineering, Colorado
3:03 PM
Industrial Defender Platform, Industrial Defender, Massachusetts

3:00 PM
Lone Star E 

Resilience Week: The Future of Distributed Wind: Integration, Challenges, and Opportunities

The panel session on "The Future of Distributed Wind" will provide a comprehensive exploration of distributed wind energy, focusing on its application, evolution from past and present technologies to cutting-edge developments like airborne wind systems, as well as its critical integration with other energy sources. Experts will dissect the significance of wind as a renewable resource and underscore the necessity for coupling it with alternative energy sources and storage solutions to ensure a reliable and resilient power supply. The discussion will emphasize the geographical importance of wind energy, acknowledging areas where wind is a particularly viable option. The panel will address the various risks and issues that have hindered distributed wind's progress, including supply chain challenges, siting conflicts such as NIMBYism, environmental concerns, and the nuances of wind resource availability. Economic hurdles, especially in the context of rural United States, will be examined alongside opportunities presented by new funding mechanisms. This session aims to provide a roadmap for overcoming barriers and harnessing the full potential of distributed wind energy.

Brent Houchens, Principal Mechanical Engineer, Sandia National Laboratories
Kurt Myers, Project Manager, Staff Engineer, Idaho National Laboratory
Alice Orrell, Consultant, DOE WETO
Rob Creighton, CEO, Windlift

2:30 PM
Lone Star F 

PRISM: Passive Threat Detection

Overview of Research in Passive Detection
Bruce Gnade, Professor Emeritus, UT Dallas
Neuromorphic Sensors for Optical Detection
Prasanna Rangarajan, Professor, SMU
Acoustic Sensors
Volkan Otugen, Professor, SMU
Passive Sensing for Autonomous Operation
Jerry Towler, Director of Robotics, Southwest Research Institute

3:30 PM
Lone Star F 

PRISM: Microelectronics Startups and Venture Development

Semiconductors and microelectronics are one of the hottest sectors, with major implications for national security. If you are an entrepreneur, or looking to accelerate the development pathway for your client portfolio, you will not want to miss this panel featuring national experts from three renowned venture development orgs, Austin Technology Incubator, Nextflex, and Plug and Play. Hear about the opportunities, challenges, and varied methods of accelerating microelectronics ventures from a state perspective (Becky Taylor), national perspective (Art Wall), and global perspective (Rouzbeh Borhani)

Rebecca (Becky) Taylor, Executive Director, Austin Technology Incubator
Rouzbeh Borhani, Founder and Head of the Semiconductor, Plug and Play
Art Wall, Director of Engineering and Fab Operations, Netflex Manufacturing Institute

3:30 PM
Lone Star C 

Defense TechConnect: Innovation Spotlights: Microelectronics and Sensors I

The Defense TechConnect(DTC) Innovation Spotlights are designed to accelerate private-sector and defense-sourced technology solutions aligned with warfighter and national security problem-sets.

Review Panelists
Dave Rios, DTIC-IAC Field Advisor, USCENTCOM, Cloud Lake Technology, LLC
Bart Romanowicz (Session Chair), Sr. Advisor TechConnect Division, ATI
Joanne Wong, Partner, REDDS Capital
Ryan Hatcher, CEO and Founder, Phoenix Semiconductor Corporation
3:35 PM
GigaMAACS, Gigantor Techologies Inc., Florida
3:42 PM
A new power amplifier architecture, Falcomm, Inc., Georgia
3:49 PM
Light Sense: a photo-electric ELISA, Advanced Silicon Group, Massachusetts
3:56 PM
Semiconductor Factory in a Box, Nano OPS, Inc., Massachusetts

3:30 PM
Room 301 

OELS and Resilience Week: Innovation Spotlights: AI/Data/Cyber II

The OELS Pitch Sessions are designed to accelerate private-sector and defense-sourced technology solutions aligned with warfighter and national security problem-sets. DOD and Industry feedback provided to presenters on: solution fit, strengths of technology, challenges of implementation/adoption, positioning guidance, and potential collaboration opportunities.

Review Panelists
Ross Roley (Session Chair), Energy and Cyber Innovation Lead, Battelle in Support of U.S. Indo Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM)
Daryl Haegley, Technical Director, Control Systems Cyber Resiliency, U.S. Air and Space Force
Aleksandra Scalco, Engineer, Naval Information Warfare Center(NIWC)
Rich Scalco, NIWC Senior Cyber Engineer & MOSAICS CyberSHIELD Technical Manager, Naval Information Warfare Center(NIWC)
3:49 PM
Forge Performance+ | Digital Depot, Honeywell Aerospace Technologies, Georgia

3:30 PM
Room 302 

Defense TechConnect: Innovation Spotlights Installation Energy and Resilience

Earl Armstrong, Naval Operational Energy Office, Tech Advisor, U.S. Navy
Michael Mazzocco (Session Chair), President and CEO, Alytic/US Navy
Kevin Mish, Senior Program Manager, Abbott On Call, Inc.
R.D. Childers, Senior Manufacturing Engineer, R.D. Childers LLC
Sidney Garman, Commercial Engagement Analyst, Army Applications Laboratory (AAL)
3:42 PM
ESCCC Cooling, Baryon inc, Delaware
3:49 PM
ZTNS (Zero Trust Network Service), Available Networks, Virginia
3:56 PM

4:00 PM
Griffin Hall, Rooms 201, 202, 203, and 204 

Defense TechConnect, OELS, Fall Smart Cities Connect, SBIR/STTR, and Spotlight Showcase Expo Social and Poster Session I

4:00 PM
Rooms 201 and 202 

SBIR/STTR: Agency Tabletops Reception

4:00 PM
Rooms 203 and 204 

Defense TechConnect: Spotlight Showcase Tabletops Reception

4:00 PM
Rooms 203 and 204 

Defense TechConnect: Corporate and Venture Capital Speed Dating (no advanced signup required)

Lockheed Martin Ventures
Safran Corporate Ventures
Boka Capital
Redds Capital
Republic Capital Access

4:00 PM
Griffin Hallway 


8:30 AM
Lone Star Ballroom E 

Defense TechConnect, OELS, SBIR/STTR, MOSAICS, and Resilience Week Keynotes

Welcome and Opening Remarks
Jennifer Rocha, Strategic Partnerships, TechConnect Division, ATI
Emerging National Energy Challenges for a New Administration
Honorable Lucian Niemeyer, CEO, Building Cyber Security
Cyberspace as the 5th Domain of Conflict
John Garstka, Director for Cyber Warfare, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (OUSD(A&S)), U.S. Department of Defense
Oversight, advocacy, and policy for the Department of Defense (DoD) S&T enterprise
Aprille Ericcson, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Science and Technology (ASD(S&T)), U.S. Department of Defense
DOD Innovation Gamechangers Keynote Panel
Moderator: Jennifer Rocha, Strategic Partnerships, TechConnect Division, ATI
Erick Page-Littleford, Director, Small Business Innovation Research and Technology Transfer Office, U.S. Small Business Administration
Joe Bryan, President, Muswell Orange
Jack Ryan, Senior Program Manager, Energy Portfolio, DIU
Veronika Stelmakh, Co-Founder and CEO, Mesodyne, Inc.

10:00 AM
Lone Star Lobby 

Coffee Break

10:30 AM
Room 205 

Call for NAVSEA Energy Storage Solutions Presentations

This event will highlight 18 solutions from 16 different companies or academia on three topics in response to the NAVSEA Call for Energy Storage Solutions. These solutions address advanced capabilities in energy storage and military battery technology, targeting both current and future supply chain challenges.

James Caley (Ret Col, USMC), Director of Operational Energy, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Energy, U.S. Navy
Kyle Degener, NSWC Crane Power and Energy Systems Deputy Division Head, NSWC Crane
Joseph Fontaine, Senior Scientific Technical Manager (SSTM) Navy Battery Technologies, NSWC Crane
Les Alexander, President and CEO, Battery Innovation Center (BIC)
Cecelia Pierce, OUSD Operational Energy Innovation (OE-I) Office, Other Transaction Authority (OTA) Program Manager, U.S. Department of Defense

10:30 AM
Room 302 

Defense TechConnect: Innovation Spotlights: Microelectronics and Sensors II

The Defense TechConnect(DTC) Innovation Spotlights are designed to accelerate private-sector and defense-sourced technology solutions aligned with warfighter and national security problem-sets.

Review Panelists
Bart Romanowicz (Session Chair), Sr. Advisor, TechConnect Division, ATI
Dave Rios, DTIC-IAC Field Advisor, USCENTCOM, Cloud Lake Technology, LLC
Ann Kathryn Rockwell, Physical Scientist, Insights and Analysis Team, Army Applications Laboratory
Joanne Wong, Partner, REDDS Capital
Dalia Yablon, Founder, SurfaceChar
10:35 AM
Stack Forging for Thermal Management, Alloy Enterprises, Massachusetts
10:42 AM
Graphene IR Sensor / Camera, e-skin Displays, Inc, California
10:56 AM
11:03 AM
Sub-Micron Binary HyperPixel Sensor Circuit (BHPS), University of Tennessee Knoxville, Tennessee

10:30 AM
Room 303 

Defense TechConnect: Innovation Management: Opportunities and Challenges, Sponsored by Raytheon

Moderator: John O’Grady, Director, Strategic Engagements and Army Innovation and Transformation, Raytheon
Peter O’Neil, Chief Innovation Officer, Texas A&M University System
Monique Brown, Founder, Fenix Global Consulting LLC
Lt Col Walter "Rock" McMillan, Ret., Former SpaceWERX Director
Jesse Lozano, CEO and Founder, Intellectible

10:30 AM
Lone Star F 

Defense TechConnect: Smart Cities-Smart Bases: Overview of challenges and opportunities facing smart cities and smart bases

Municipalities and military instillations are increasingly vulnerable to cyber attacks, natural and man-made disasters, and disruptions to energy, food, and water supply chains. This panel will discuss dual-use innovations in this space from industry, military, and government.

Emma Mooney (Moderator), Project and Outreach Manager, ATI
Robb Reid, Chief Revenue Officer, Sourcewell
Scott Haase, Laboratory Program Manager, II-Partnership Development, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Robert Davies, CEO, Stealth ISS

10:30 AM
Room 301 

OELS: Contested Logistics

The character of war is changing. Hear from military leadership on how they are operating in a 21st century enviroment. Overall military logistics and specific projects will be discussed.

Moderator: Michael Mazzocco, President and CEO, Alytic/US Navy
Andrew Mawdsley, Energy Portfolio Program Manager, DIU

10:15 AM
Lone Star A 

Resilience Week: Critical Function Assurance: A Consequence-based Approach to Operating through Compromise

State-sponsored actors are “targeting American civilian critical infrastructure, pre-positioning to cause real-world harm to American citizens and communities in the event of conflict.” Critical infrastructure owners and operators are being challenged to operate through digital compromise in the face of an evolving cyber threat landscape. In this session, we discuss practical applications of critical functional assurance with the objective to demonstrate approaches that organizations can use to optimize security strategies, focus resources and protect their most critical assets from cyber-enabled sabotage

Jared Smith, Program Manager, Idaho National Laboratory
Brian Kaiser, Special Agent, FBI Cyber Division
Jackie Morrison, Chief Cyber Security Officer, Alyeska Pipeline Service Company

10:15 AM
Lone Star B 

Resilience Week: Mind the Resilience Gaps

Energy resilience is increasingly recognized as a crucial factor in ensuring the stability and security of modern societies, yet current resilience assessments often overlook critical dimensions. This panel session will delve into the gaps present in contemporary energy resilience assessments, exploring how these shortcomings impact our ability to prepare for and respond to energy disruptions. Experts from diverse fields will discuss the limitations in existing assessment frameworks, such as insufficient consideration of interdependencies between energy systems and other critical infrastructure, underestimation of emerging threats like wildfires or cyberattacks, and the need for more inclusive and adaptive metrics. The session aims to highlight the implications of these gaps for infrastructure planning and community preparedness. Attendees will gain insights into innovative approaches and strategies to address these deficiencies and enhance the robustness of energy resilience assessments, ultimately contributing to more secure and resilient energy systems in the face of evolving challenges.

Ryan Burg, Group Manager, Resilient Systems Design and Engineering, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Jenn Kallay, Principal Associate, Synapse Energy Economics
Ronny Sandoval, Managing Principal, Regulatory Assistance Project
Doug Lewin, Founder, Stoic Energy Consulting
Christopher Jones, Engineer, Con Edison

10:30 AM
Lone Star D 

SBIR/STTR: Agency Differences - Focus on Evaluation

Learn key insights on the criteria used to evaluate SBIR/STTR proposals.

Elden Hawkes, Jr., Partnership and Innovation Specialist, Small Business Administration (SBA)
Eileen Chant, Outreach Program Manager, Department of Energy (DOE)
Laurie Hobbs, ED/IES SBIR Management and Program Analyst, Department of Education (ED)
Nurun Nahar, Program Specialist, Division of Bioenergy, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Adam Sorkin, Small Business Policy Manager, National Institute of Health (NIH)

11:15 AM
Lone Star D 

SBIR/STTR: Transitioning to Phase II and beyond

Learn about the key steps and success factors for moving from Phase I to Phase II

Genevieve Lind, Program Manager, Small Business Administration (SBA)
Colleen Gibney, SBIR Deputy Program Manager, Defense Health Agency (DHA)
Jose Colucci, General Business Specialist, National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST)
Keith Harris, Director, Division of BioEnergy, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Jennifer Thabet, Program Director, Small Business Programs Office, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

11:30 AM
Lone Star F 

Defense TechConnect and OELS: Smart Cities-Smart Bases Innovation Challenge I

Presented by TechConnect, Advanced Technology International (ATI), and the RISE Consortium, the Smart Cities - Smart Bases Innovation Challenge delivers cutting-edge, dual-use technology pitches to address the overlapping technical, environmental, and security challenges facing both smart cities and smart bases.

Welcome and Opening Remarks
Jennifer Rocha (Welcome Remarks), Strategic Partnerships, TechConnect Division, ATI
11:35 AM
Boomerang Aero Ventures
11:43 AM
11:51 AM
Tempest Droneworx
11:59 AM
Aerodefense LLC
12:07 PM
Ecosystem Informatics USA Corp.
Review Panelists
Robb Reid, Chief Revenue Officer, Sourcewell
Scott Haase, Laboratory Program Manager, II-Partnership Development, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Robert Davies, CEO, Stealth ISS
Mike Grigsby​​​​, Director, Business Development, Ubicquia
Michael Wu, Executive Director, RISE Consortium
Ruthbea Yesner, Vice President, Government Insights, Education, Smart Cities & Communities, IDC

11:30 AM
Room 302 

Defense TechConnect: Leveraging Digital Twin and Data Mesh Technologies to Accelerate Responsible AI Adoption, Sponsored by Edge Technologies

Today's existential challenge is getting the right information, to the right people, at the right time, at the speed of relevance. There is no shortage of data, there is often too much data, in the form of redundant copies stored in countless data warehouses and data lakes. AI/ML solutions can help make sense of all that data but traditional data management solutions require combining data in new data repositories to break down data silos and provide mission critical insights and AI/ML ready data. Unfortunately, that method rarely results in a comprehensive solution and almost always takes much longer to implement than originally estimated dramatically hindering AI/ML adoption times. Secure Digital Twins powered by proven Data Mesh capabilities is a better, faster, more secure and more cost-effective alternative. Join an informative and spirited discussion, led by the Hon. Lucian Niemeyer, on cost effective ways to accelerate AI/ML adoption through the use of secure Digital Twins to solve the data access problem. This panel of Digital Twin and AI/ML experts will not only discuss how solutions can be implemented, they will discuss how they have integrated their unique capabilities to address Operation Energy, Contested Logistics and Smart Cities use cases.

Honorable Lucian Niemeyer, CEO and former ASD (EI&E) and ASN (EI&E), Building Cyber Security
Jacques Jarman, Chief Growth & Federal Operations Officer, Edge Technologies
Jordon Garrett, Principle Strategist, Sabel Systems
Juan Betts, CEO, Predictive IQ
Brett Paulson, CEO, Vidrovr

11:30 AM
Room 301 

Defense TechConnect and OELS: Innovation Spotlights: Logistics

The Defense TechConnect(DTC) Innovation Spotlights are designed to accelerate private-sector and defense-sourced technology solutions aligned with warfighter and national security problem-sets.

Review Panelists
Michael Mazzocco (Session Chair), President and CEO, Alytic/US Navy
Jack Ryan, Senior Program Manager, Energy Portfolio, DIU
Andrew Mawdsley, Energy Portfolio Program Manager, DIU
11:30 AM
11:37 AM
Fleet Maintenance Center and Drydock AI/ML Optimizer, Smart Response Technologies, Inc., Ohio
11:51 AM
SUNFISH UUV, Sunfish, Texas
11:58 AM
12:05 PM
TriggerHawk, Bowler Pons Solutions Consultants, LLC, Maryland
12:12 PM
“Converge” – the Automated Onboarding Solution, Quanterion Solutions Inc., New York

11:30 AM
Lone Star A 

Resilience Week: Building a Secure and Resilient Manufacturing Supply Chain across Sectors

Purpose: Experts from research institutes and the manufacturing industry will discuss the challenges and opportunities of a diverse, small and medium-sized manufacturers-dominated manufacturing supply chain, needed strategies and innovations to create secure building blocks throughout the digital life cycle of engineering design and modern manufacturing operations, and how to accelerate security technology deployment and explore its impact on a capital-investment-intensive sector with energy consumption and environmental emissions challenges. . Supply chain resilience and the democratization of manufacturing through advanced technologies is driving an industry ecosystem in the U.S. where 98% of companies are Small and Medium (sized) Manufacturers (SMMs). Currently accelerating investments in new manufacturing capacity provide both new threats and opportunities if security innovations can be aligned in a timely fashion. This panel will discuss these and related areas of questions: • the challenges and opportunities of a diverse and SMM-dominated manufacturing supply chain, • the needed national strategies and technology innovations to create “secure building blocks” that extend across the digital life cycle of engineering design and modern manufacturing operations, • How to accelerate security technology deployment and explore its impact on a capital-investment-intensive sector with energy consumption and environmental emissions challenges. Overview: In past decades, the digitization of the business world has led to tremendous efficiency gains and made it far easier to conduct business in a variety of sectors in a distributed fashion. In manufacturing, digital designs, automated operations, and product innovations are creating a new “digital thread” between consumers, small and medium manufacturers (SMMs), large manufacturers, and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). These digital thread ecosystems create opportunities to increase our global competitiveness, democratize manufacturing, and revitalize American innovation and supply chain resilience. However, with this exponential increase in connectivity, there is an exponential increase in exploitable security flaws, leaving manufacturers vulnerable to severe consequences if their operational technology (OT) boundary detection systems fail. Currently, these digital threads are a patchwork of architectures, protocols, and information sharing with incomplete or unenforceable security that creates additional complexity and expenses for many manufacturers. Consistent with Manufacturing USA strategic guidance, industry assessments, and threat estimations by the Cyberspace Solarium Commission, Defense Science Board, and National Intelligence community, the current state of cybersecurity is not sustainable. The technology push for the integration of information technology (IT) and OT is not sufficient to secure manufacturing systems within complex supply chains that exchange both digital designs and a variety of subcomponents across sectors. There are simply not enough resources to safeguard software, hardware, networks, and systems that were never designed to be secure end-to-end. New approaches are needed and being developed by national consortiums and industry leaders. The Cybersecurity Manufacturing Innovation Institute’s (CyManII) vision for the future of robust, resilient, and decarbonized advanced manufacturing extends beyond the current aggregation of insecure technologies to new systems that use flexible and verifiably secure architectures that will exponentially increase our Nation’s ability to adapt to the fiercest cyber-attacks.

Wayne Austad, Chief Technology Officer, Idaho National Laboratory
Matt Luallen, Lead Research Scientist for Education Translation, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Krystel Castillo, ORISE Fellow, DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy/AMMTO

10:30 AM
Lone Star C 

MOSAICS Industry Day 2024: Unity of Effort

A non-proprietary, vendor agnostic reference framework and architecture

10:30 AM
Introduction and Welcome
Colonel (Retired) Ross Roley, MOSAICS Operations Management (OM)
(USNORTHCOM OM Dr. Jeth Fogg absent)
10:40 AM
Vision, High Level Deliverable & Expected Outcome
Rich Scalco, Technical Management (TM)
10:50 AM
MOSAICS Overview & Block Development and Acquisition Strategy and Reference Architecture
Aleksandra Scalco, Lead Systems Engineer
11:10 AM
Navy Ongoing Efforts Snapshot
Ryan Knight, Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command HQ
11:25 AM
Air Force Ongoing Efforts Snapshot
Daryl Haegley, SL, GICSP, OCP Technical Director, DAF Control Systems Cyber Resiliency
11:40 AM
Army Ongoing Efforts Snapshot
Rose Holshouser (Invited), HQ AMC, G6(CIO), Program Management/Engineering Division
11:55 AM
MOSAICS Block I Specifications Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release: Distribution is unlimited.

11:30 AM
Lone Star B 

Resilience Week: The Future of Transmission Expansion For National Defense

The U.S. transmission grid we rely on to deliver electricity nationwide to power communities, businesses, and military installations is increasingly vulnerable to threats and needs massive expansion to meet future resilient power needs. This panel will convene experts from public policy, national laboratories, the Department of Energy, and the Department of Defense to unpack the imperative for transformative transmission expansion. The discussion will cover leading innovations and industry practices accelerating transmission development and resilience and identify next steps for aligning transmission grid investment with the needs of the Department of Defense (DoD), installations, and their surrounding communities. Panelists will reference the methodology and results behind two influential transmission reports, both released in 2024: “Transmission Expansion For National Defense” and the “National Transmission Planning Study.”

Michael Wu, Executive Director, RISE Consortium
Konstantinos Oikonomou, Electrical Engineer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Rebecca Isacowitz, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Defense for Energy Resilience & Optimization

12:15 PM

Lunch (on own)

12:00 PM
Lone Star D 

SBIR/STTR: Ask Me Anything Lunch - SBA (Lunch Not Provided)

Erick Page-Littleford, Director, Small Business Innovation Research and Technology Transfer Office, U.S. Small Business Administration

1:15 PM
Lone Star D 


Learn the keys to a successful SBIR/STTR journey and Phase III success.

Brian Shipley, Director, Navy SBIR/STTR Program, U.S. Navy
Angie Donahoo, Innovation Sector Director, General Services Administration (GSA)
Brandon White, Center Liaison (CL) and SBIR Infusion Manager, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Nicole Allen, Army SBIR Program Coordinator, U.S. Army
Carissa Grosh, Ventures Specific Topic Branch Chief, AFWERX, Air Force Research Laboratory

1:30 PM
Room 205 

Call for NAVSEA Energy Storage Solutions Presentations

This event will highlight 18 solutions from 16 different companies or academia on three topics in response to the NAVSEA Call for Energy Storage Solutions. These solutions address advanced capabilities in energy storage and military battery technology, targeting both current and future supply chain challenges.

James Caley (Ret Col, USMC), Director of Operational Energy, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Energy, U.S. Navy
Kyle Degener, NSWC Crane Power and Energy Systems Deputy Division Head, NSWC Crane
Joseph Fontaine, Senior Scientific Technical Manager (SSTM) Navy Battery Technologies, NSWC Crane
Les Alexander, President and CEO, Battery Innovation Center (BIC)
Cecelia Pierce, OUSD Operational Energy Innovation (OE-I) Office, Other Transaction Authority (OTA) Program Manager, U.S. Department of Defense

1:30 PM
Room 301 

Defense TechConnect: Innovation Spotlights: Advanced Materials I

The Defense TechConnect(DTC) Innovation Spotlights are designed to accelerate private-sector and defense-sourced technology solutions aligned with warfighter and national security problem-sets.

Moderator: Bart Romanowicz, Sr. Advisor, TechConnect Division, ATI
Review Panelists
Zach Harrell, Interim Director, Insights and Analysis, Army Applications Laboratory
Elizabeth Onasanya, Senior Investment Analyst, Lockheed Martin Ventures
R.D. Childers, Senior Manufacturing Engineer, R.D. Childers LLC
Leo Welder, President, LJW3 Consulting
1:49 PM
Concentrated Complex Alloys in Extreme Environments, Avalanche Energy Designs, Washington

1:30 PM
Room 302 

Defense TechConnect, OELS, and Resilience Week: Innovation Spotlights: AI/Data/Cyber III

Moderator: Nick Kacsandi (Session Chair), Senior Business Development & Sales Manager, TechConnect Division, ATI
Colin Sindel, Contested Logistics Solutions, Boeing
Joanne Wong, Partner, REDDS Capital
Ryan Hatcher, CEO and Founder, Phoenix Semiconductor Corporation
Craig Zamary, Hub Director, HSWERX, DEFENSEWERX
Doug Norton, Chief Marketing Officer, InspireSemi
1:42 PM
AgilityHealth® - Measure. Grow. Accelerate at Every Level, Agile Transformation, Inc. d/b/a AgilityHealth, Nebraska
1:49 PM
Innoslate, SPEC Innovations, Virginia
2:03 PM
2:10 PM

1:30 PM
Lone Star F 

Defense TechConnect, OELS, and Resilience Week: Smart Cities-Smart Bases Innovation Challenge II

Presented by TechConnect, Advanced Technology International (ATI), and the RISE Consortium, the Smart Cities - Smart Bases Innovation Challenge delivers cutting-edge, dual-use technology pitches to address the overlapping technical, environmental, and security challenges facing both smart cities and smart bases.

1:33 PM
Metropolitan Technologies
1:41 PM
CipherSonic Labs, Inc.
1:49 PM
1:57 PM
GTC Analytics
Review Panelists
Robb Reid, Chief Revenue Officer, Sourcewell
Scott Haase, Laboratory Program Manager, II-Partnership Development, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Robert Davies, CEO, Stealth ISS
Michael Wu, Executive Director, RISE Consortium
Paul Grimes, City Manager, City of McKinney
Mike Grigsby​​​​, Director, Business Development, Ubicquia
Ruthbea Yesner, Vice President, Government Insights, Education, Smart Cities & Communities, IDC

1:30 PM
Lone Star Ballroom E 

Resilience Week: DOD Joint MOSAICS (J-MOSAICS): DOD Approaches to Meeting Zero Trust for Defense Critical Infrastructure (DCI) Part One

Initiatives are currently underway within the Department of Defense to synchronize the Joint More Situational Awareness for ICS (J-MOSAICS) framework with government standards and the Department's Zero Trust Strategy. The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (OUSDA&S), with assistance from the DOD Chief Information Office (CIO) Zero Trust Portfolio Management Office, has recognized that J-MOSAICS is a vendor-neutral, non-proprietary framework that, when effectively implemented, has the potential to mitigate cyber vulnerabilities in critical defense infrastructure and offer a viable pathway to enable Zero Trust for Operational Technology. Hear from the J-MOSACIS Lead who will put into perspective the importance of cyber securing OT infrastructure and what is needed to move J-MOSAICS into operational practice.

Aleksandra Scalco, Engineer, Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC)

1:30 PM
Lone Star Ballroom E 

Resilience Week: DOD Joint MOSAICS (J-MOSAICS): DOD Approaches to Meeting Zero Trust for Defense Critical Infrastructure (DCI) Part Two

The Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the Department of Defense (DoD) is focused on enhancing the cyber resilience of Operational Technology (OT), recognizing its vital importance in protecting essential infrastructure, data, and mission-critical systems. The DoD CIO is in the process of revising the DoD Zero Trust (ZT) Strategy to incorporate a ZT roadmap specifically for Facility Related Control Systems within OT. Furthermore, the DoD CIO is actively promoting the swift implementation of ZT capabilities throughout the Department and collaborating with DoD components and industry partners to showcase ZT solutions tailored for Operational Technology. To expedite this initiative, the DoD CIO's Zero Trust Portfolio Management Office (PfMO) is collaborating with the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (OUSDA&S) to explore the most effective ways to integrate ZT cybersecurity principles into DoD OT infrastructures. Hear from the two key senior DoD leaders who are guiding their teams to accelerate ZT solutions for the Department’s OT infrastructure, and what to expect from their efforts going forward.

Moderator: Justin Welch, Systems Engineer, Energy and Grid System Integration Group, Idaho National Laboratory
John Garstka, Director for Cyber Warfare, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Platform and Weapon Portfolio Management (PWPM), Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (OUSD(A&S))
Randy Resnick, Director, DoD CIO Zero Trust

1:30 PM
Lone Star E 

MOSAICS Industry Day 2024: Unity of Effort

A non-proprietary, vendor agnostic reference framework and architecture

1:30 PM
Resilience Week + MOSAICS Industry Day: DOD Approaches to Meeting Zero Trust for Defense Critical Infrastructure (DCI) Part One
Aleksandra Scalco, Engineer, Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC)
1:30 PM
Resilience Week + MOSAICS Industry Day: DOD Approaches to Meeting Zero Trust for Defense Critical Infrastructure (DCI) Part Two
Moderator: Justin Welch, Operations Director, Idaho National Laboratory, Resilience Optimization Center
John Garstka, Director for Cyber Warfare, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Platform and Weapon Portfolio Management (PWPM), Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (OUSD(A&S))
Randy Resnick, Director, DOD CIO Zero Trust Director, SES
2:30 PM
Move to Session Room Lone Star C, Level 3
2:35 PM
Welcome Back
Colonel (Retired) Ross Roley, MOSAICS Operations Management (OM)
2:40 PM
MOSAICS Test Events •Military Utility Assessment (MUA) •OUSD(A&S) ISMX
Colonel (Retired) Ross Roley, MOSAICS Operations Management (OM)
Juan “MrSA” R. Muñoz, Civ, DAF Project Lead, Defensive Cyber Operations
3:05 PM
MOSAICS Block 2 • Information Sharing to Achieve Resiliency • MOSAICS Readiness Assessment Process
3:50 PM
Way Forward & Wrap up

2:00 PM
Griffin Hall, Rooms 201, 202, 203, and 204 

Defense TechConnect, SBIR/STTR Agency Tabletops, and Smart Cities Connect Expo Hall Opens

2:00 PM
Rooms 201 and 202 

SBIR/STTR: Agency Tabletops

2:00 PM
Rooms 203 and 204 

Defense TechConnect: Spotlight Showcase Tabletops

2:00 PM
Lone Star D 

SBIR/STTR: Commercialization - Partnerships

Learn about programs that can support your transition to development and production. Learn what you can do to better position yourself for assistance.

Genevieve Lind, Program Manager, Small Business Administration (SBA)
Devin Bohanan, APFIT Program Manager, APFIT
Tylar Temple, Deputy Director, Defense SBIR/STTR Program Office, Department of Defense (DoD)
Jacob Choi, Regional Assistant Director, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
Manny Oliver, Director, SBIR/STTR Programs Office, Department of Energy (DOE)

2:30 PM
Room 301 

Defense TechConnect: Innovation Spotlights: Advanced Materials and Advanced Manufacturing II

Moderator: Nick Kacsandi, Senior Business Development & Sales Manager, TechConnect Division, TechConnect Division, ATI
Review Panelists
Zach Harrell, Interim Director, Insights and Analysis, Army Applications Laboratory
Bob Curcio, Mentor, Austin Technology Incubator
Tanya Hutter, Professor, University of Texas at Austin
Noemie Vauthelin, US Zone Director, Safran Group
Leo Welder, President, LJW3 Consulting
John Thickett, Founder, Tusker Group
2:35 PM
2:42 PM
Injection Printing System (IPS), Muse Engine, Pennsylvania
2:49 PM
2:56 PM
3:10 PM
3D printed bioreactor technology for biomanufacturing, Southwest Research Institute, Texas

2:40 PM
Room 205 

Call for NAVSEA Energy Storage Solutions Presentations

This event will highlight 18 solutions from 16 different companies or academia on three topics in response to the NAVSEA Call for Energy Storage Solutions. These solutions address advanced capabilities in energy storage and military battery technology, targeting both current and future supply chain challenges.

James Caley (Ret Col, USMC), Director of Operational Energy, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Energy, U.S. Navy
Kyle Degener, NSWC Crane Power and Energy Systems Deputy Division Head, NSWC Crane
Joseph Fontaine, Senior Scientific Technical Manager (SSTM) Navy Battery Technologies, NSWC Crane
Les Alexander, President and CEO, Battery Innovation Center (BIC)
Cecelia Pierce, OUSD Operational Energy Innovation (OE-I) Office, Other Transaction Authority (OTA) Program Manager, U.S. Department of Defense

2:45 PM
Lone Star D 

SBIR/STTR: Working With Defense Primes

Gain insight into the role major primes play in acquisition programs and how R&D from other businesses transitions into those programs.

Larry Dressman, Technology Manager, NAVSEA, U.S. Navy
Alf Carroll, Technology Transition Lead, Raytheon Engineering
Craig Owens, Program Manager for SBIR, Lockheed Martin
Terrell Reid, Corporate Supplier Diversity Programs Manager, Northrop Grumman
Colin Sindel, Contested Logistics Solutions, Boeing
Dr. Bahareh Haji-saeed, Technology Scouting Director, BAE Systems, Inc.

2:45 PM
Lone Star B 

Capital Factory Startup Showcase

Moderator: Joseph Kopser
2:45 PM
Nick Spiller, Capital Factory Introduction
3:00 PM
Amethyst Saiyan, Pitch: Quantum Photonics
3:05 PM
Omar Hakim, Pitch: Waterloo Solutions
3:10 PM
Sara Scharf, Ecosystem Spotlight Lightning Talk: BAE Systems
3:20 PM
Networking Break
3:35 PM
Ecosystem Spotlight: Moonshots Capital - OSC Program
3:45 PM
Nathan Bishop, Pitch: Actus Systems
3:50 PM
Abood Hannoon, Pitch: Odyssey AI
3:55 PM
Kurt Bonatz, Pitch: Applied General Intelligence
4:00 PM
Norman Garza, Fireside Chat with Texas Space Commission
4:25 PM
CapFac House & Fed Supernova Preview
4:30 PM
End of Program, Networking in Expo Hall

2:30 PM
Lone Star F 

Defense TechConnect and Resilience Week: Smart Cities-Smart Bases Innovation Challenge III and Winner Announcement

Presented by TechConnect, Advanced Technology International (ATI), and the RISE Consortium, the Smart Cities - Smart Bases Innovation Challenge delivers cutting-edge, dual-use technology pitches to address the overlapping technical, environmental, and security challenges facing both smart cities and smart bases. The winner of the Smart Cities - Smart Bases Challenge will be announced in this session!

2:30 PM
AlumaPower Corporation
2:38 PM
National Energy USA
2:46 PM
Global Connective Center
2:54 PM
Phoenix Waste Solutions, Inc.
Review Panelists
Robb Reid, Chief Revenue Officer, Sourcewell
Scott Haase, Laboratory Program Manager, II-Partnership Development, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Robert Davies, CEO, Stealth ISS
Michael Wu, Executive Director, RISE Consortium
Ruthbea Yesner, Vice President, Government Insights, Education, Smart Cities & Communities, IDC
Paul Grimes, City Manager, City of McKinney
Mike Grigsby​​​​, Director, Business Development, Ubicquia

3:00 PM
Lone Star Ballroom E 

Resilience Week: Securing Our Nation's Interconnected Ports

In March 2024, the Port of Baltimore experienced an unprecedented emergency when a container ship struck the Francis Scott Key Bridge, blocking commercial vessel commerce. As a maritime nation, America’s prosperity remains inextricably linked to the integrated and extensive network of ports, terminals, vessels, waterways, and land-side connections constituting the U.S. Marine Transportation System (MTS). This complex system supports trillions of dollars of economic activity and contributes to the employment of more than 31 million Americans. With over 90% of overseas trade moving through U.S. ports, owners and operators are becoming increasingly reliant on these internet-enabled systems to keep up with demand and ensure swifter operations. A cyberattack could cause detrimental impacts on domestic and global supply chain, our economy, and American workers. On February 21, 2024, the White House initiated an Executive Order 14116 to strengthen the security of the Nation’s ports, alongside a series of additional actions that will fortify maritime cybersecurity, reinforce supply chains and strengthen the U.S. industrial base. DHS and its partners have forged a robust public-private partnership and have a strong and demonstrated track record of securing and safeguarding the U. S. Marine Transportation System (MTS). This panel will touch on the importance of understanding the consequences of a port disruption to make better plans and invest in port infrastructure resiliency. Technologies to be discussed include an application for emergency planning for civilian and DoD missions and a platform to enable the study of physical effects caused by cyber-attacks against seaport Industrial Control Systems (ICS) infrastructure. Please join us for an informative discussion to create a more secure and resilient U.S. MTS by securing our nation’s interconnected ports.

Brannan Vilee, Division Director, Infrastructure Resilience and Security Solutions, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) Office of Mission & Capability Support (MCS)
Eileen Rubin, Project Manager, Department of Homeland Security Science & Technology Directorate
Adam Hahn, Principal Critical Infrastructure Security Engineer, MITRE
Rachel Reichenberg, Software Developer, Idaho National Laboratory

4:00 PM
Griffin Hall, Rooms 201, 202, 203, and 204 

Defense TechConnect, OELS, Fall Smart Cities Connect, SBIR/STTR, and Spotlight Showcase Expo Social and Poster Session II

4:00 PM
Rooms 201 and 202 

SBIR/STTR: Agency Tabletops Reception

4:00 PM
Rooms 203 and 204 

Defense TechConnect: Spotlight Showcase Tabletops Reception

4:00 PM
Rooms 203 and 204 

Defense TechConnect: Corporate Speed Dating (no advanced signup required)

BAE Systems
Lockheed Martin
Northrop Grumman
Rio Tinto


8:30 AM
Lone Star A 

Resilience Week: Aligning Energy Planning Across Spatial Scales

Procedural justice is arguable one of the more difficult principles of energy justice to put into practice. A major factor of that is the significant challenge of reconciling preferred energy futures and transition pathways across spatial scales. Technological and policy solutions that provide the most equitable access to resilience, affordability, sustainability, and reliability benefits when implemented at the individual household or single community scale, may have unintended consequences at large scales and quickly become the wrong solution for all households when the “ambient” conditions of the system as a whole are changed. In reconciling these tradeoffs at the utility, PUC, or other regional/aggregated level, remote, island, and islanded (end-of-line) communities may be disproportionally disenfranchised, since a utilitarian approach that picks solutions providing the greatest good for the greatest number of people will deprioritize the needs of frequently small, end-of-line, communities. To address the question of how external technical assistance partners can best support energy transitions in these contexts, and how our energy planning efforts can better reconcile potentially competing needs and priorities at different scales, this session will feature panelists who share lessons learned and recommendations drawing on their experiences working across spatial scales and stakeholder/organization types across the US. Insights will be integrated into a publicly available framework for how these perspectives can be better aligned to arrive at complementary, additive energy planning decisions.

Olga Hart, Principal Member of Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratories
Renata Bakousseva, Microgrid Strategy Implementation, Pacific Gas & Electric Company
Anissa Rodriguez Dickerman, Chief Executive Officer, Pecan Street
Daniel Trujillo, Chief Information Security Officer, Kit Carson Electric Cooperative
Rosanne Ratkiewich, Senior Regulatory Analyst, California Public Utilities Commission

8:30 AM
Lone Star B 

Resilience Week: Climate Resilience Planning for Electric Utilities

Part 1: How much is your city or region doing (or not doing) to prepare for the arrival of increasingly extreme weather and other climate change-amplified physical impacts to infrastructure? This talk, based on the Climate Resilience Maturity Model (a joint INL/EDF initiative), will describe how two fictional North American cities are approaching these challenges, with an eye on illuminating the actions of critical infrastructure owner and operators as well as policy at the state and local government levels. Part 2: This session will focus on how electric utilities can and are building risk-informed approaches to address the impacts of climate change on existing and emerging critical infrastructure systems. Topics will include a brief overview of utility climate vulnerability and action plans, ongoing efforts to support smaller utilities with limited resources in developing climate resilience plans, and a maturity model for assessing utility climate resilience initiatives. The session will feature short presentations followed by a series of stories from utility representatives directly involved in crafting climate resilience plans

Ashton Raffety, Senior Energy Policy & Strategy Analyst, Argonne National Laboratory
Andy Bochman, Senior Grid Strategist, Idaho National Laboratory
Charles Doktycz, Climate Risk and Resilience Analyst, Argonne National Laboratory
Tony Nelson, Electric Communications and Gas Manager, Marshfield Electric
Aggie Serrame, Resilience Program Manager, American Public Power Association

9:00 AM
Room 301 

Defense TechConnect Innovation Spotlights: Aerospace, Defense, AI, and Cyber

The Defense TechConnect(DTC) Innovation Spotlights are designed to accelerate private-sector and defense-sourced technology solutions aligned with warfighter and national security problem-sets.

Jonathan Jakischa (Session Chair), Open Innovation Project Manager, TechConnect Division, ATI
Sonia Vohnout, Founder and President, OppsSpot, LLC
Noemie Vauthelin, US Zone Director, Safran Group
Yvonne Gamble, CEO, San Pete Financial
Jaipreet Bindra, Innovation Management Specialist, University of Ottawa
Terrell Reid, Corporate Supplier Diversity Programs Manager, Northrop Grumman
John Thickett, Founder, Tusker Group
9:05 AM
9:12 AM
9:26 AM
The Istari Digital Platform, Istari Digital, Inc., Virginia
9:40 AM
ODIN System: Advanced cUAS Capabilities, Montana Armament Group, Montana

9:15 AM
Lone Star D 

SBIR/STTR: Ask Me Anything - DoD

Gina Sims, Director, DoD SBIR/STTR, Department of Defense (DoD)

9:45 AM
Lone Star A 

Resilience Week: Big Data and Energy Justice for Tribes and Small Communities: Concerns and Solutions

Participation in data sharing is now a regular part of utility projects. For rural and remote towns, community energy projects, and Tribally-owned utilities, participation in data sharing can come at a price. Increasingly, unaddressed concerns about data sharing is causing friction between project funders- such as State energy authorities and federal agencies awarding funds through the Infrastructure Bills- and the communities they mean to serve. At stake is a just energy transition- one that includes communities left behind by previous iterations of infrastructure development. This panel will provide three case studies that reveal lessons learned, to help funders and project managers avoid these conflicts. We will also discuss a range of solutions- from community engagement and information sessions, to more theoretical ideas like bundling small utilities into a single data hub, and offering access to the data through a cooperatively managed “data utility.”

Jennifer Rachels, Regional Engagement Lead, Idaho National Laboratory
Ryan Witten, Board Co-Chair, Alaska Version 3
Esteban Lopez Ochoa, Program Director, Urban and Regional Planning, The University of Texas at San Antonio
Meme Styles, President & Founder, Measure

9:45 AM
Lone Star B 

Resilience Week: Cyber-Informed Renewables – Applying CIE to Microgrids and Energy Storage

The microgrid market in the US is growing quickly, and it is estimated to grow annually at 19% through 2027, and the Inflation Reduction Act spurred large investments in microgrids for both electric reliability and resilience and as a means to integrate renewable energy investments, including solar, storage, hydrogen, and others. New business models allow asset owners to leverage microgrids as an incrementally funded service rather than as a capital investment. With the growing popularity of microgrids and the changing market conditions, building cyber resilience into the design of these assets is critical to ensure that they can provide reliable service to the asset owners deploying them. This talk will discuss how Cyber-Informed Engineering can be used to create a template for resilient security features, appropriate for the critical functions of a microgrid or Battery Energy Storage System. These features, incorporated into the design of a microgrid or BESS effort, add engineered resilience to cyber attack and add a layer of defense beyond traditional cybersecurity mechanisms. This talk will demonstrate a workflow for quickly prioritizing critical functions and identifying opportunities for engineering controls to enhance the system security protection.

Ginger Wright, Energy Cybersecurity Portfolio Manager, Idaho National Laboratory
Ben Lampe, ICS Cybersecurity Professional, Idaho National Laboratory
Daniel Trujillo, Chief Information Security Officer, Kit Carson Electric Cooperative

10:15 AM
Room 301 

Defense TechConnect Innovation Spotlights: Energy and Resilience

The Defense TechConnect(DTC) Innovation Spotlights are designed to accelerate private-sector and defense-sourced technology solutions aligned with warfighter and national security problem-sets.

Jonathan Jakischa, Open Innovation Project Manager, TechConnect Division, ATI
Sonia Vohnout, Founder and President, OppsSpot, LLC
Bob Curcio, Mentor, Austin Technology Incubator
Yvonne Gamble, CEO, San Pete Financial
Doug Norton, Chief Marketing Officer, InspireSemi
John Thomas, Senior Policy Advisor, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
10:34 AM
High efficiency, large silicon cell modules for laser power beaming, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Colorado

10:30 AM
Lone Star D 

SBIR/STTR: DoD Focus - Evaluator and TPOC

Hear directly from the people writing SBIR/STTR topics and evaluating the proposals. Topics: keys to a successful proposal, what you should know about TRLs and MRLs, and so much more.

Moderator: Gina Sims, Director, DoD SBIR/STTR, Department of Defense (DoD)
Dominique Quesada, Operations Manager, Defense Health Agency (DHA)
Allen Franke, Program Manager, AFWERX, Air Force Research Laboratory
Larry Dressman, Technology Manager, NAVSEA, U.S. Navy

11:15 AM
Room 301 

Defense TechConnect Innovation Spotlights

The Defense TechConnect(DTC) Innovation Spotlights are designed to accelerate private-sector and defense-sourced technology solutions aligned with warfighter and national security problem-sets.

Jonathan Jakischa (Session Chair), Open Innovation Project Manager, TechConnect Division, ATI
Sonia Vohnout, Founder and President, OppsSpot, LLC
Jaipreet Bindra, Innovation Management Specialist, University of Ottawa
Tanya Hutter, Professor, University of Texas at Austin
Justin Rubin, Senior Counsel, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
Yvonne Gamble, CEO, San Pete Financial
11:20 AM
Dew Point Distillation, Baryon Inc, Delaware
11:27 AM
11:34 AM
Cyber Twins for Cyber Security, Singapore University of Technology and Design
11:48 AM
Further, Faster, Higher - The ATHENA Jet Engine. A radical leap forward in Jet Engine Technology., Spark Industries Manufacturing LLC - Trident Energy Systems, Virginia
11:56 AM
12:03 PM
Wave-Powered AUVs for Extended Duration Missions, Oscilla Power Inc., Washington

11:00 AM
Lone Star A 

Resilience Week: IEEE Paper Session

This session will spotlight a collection of IEEE papers selected as the best in from submitted papers. These presentations will showcase the latest research, expanding the frontiers of knowledge. Attendees can anticipate engaging with leading experts and participating in thought-provoking discussions about the potential impact of these cutting-edge findings.

Nate Evans, Senior Cybersecurity Researcher, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Mukesh Gautam, Research Scientist/Engineer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Aditya Sundararajan, R&D Associate Staff, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
George Fragkos, Principal Member of Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratories
Christopher Porras, Graduate Researcher, University of Texas at El Paso
Kaveri Mahapatra, Power Systems Research Engineer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

11:00 AM
Lone Star B 

Resilience Week: Critical Materials Supply Chain Sustainability

This panel session will include supply chain leaders in the U.S. from industry, academia, and the national laboratory system who have been critical contributors to the industry’s supply chain resilience in a time of radical technological change, rapid demand growth, and heightened geopolitical tensions. This panel will address three primary questions: This session will focus on critical materials supply chain sustainability for clean energy transition and energy security. Sessions will envision to hold interdisciplinary approaches, use inspired research, and perspective on workforce development, private and academic sectors innovations that advance nation's circular economy for critical materials value chain. The vision and expected outcomes of the session is to pioneer the complete materials supply chain for clean energy technologies from resource management, extraction, refining, and conversion of critical raw materials to ultra-pure value products and components. The panel discussion will provide insight to potential policies and approaches for inclusive innovation ecosystem that drives economic growth, workforce development, use-inspired research and development, and the translation of innovations to practice, alleviating the potential supply chain risks of critical materials.

Mike Severson, System Engineer, Idaho National Laboratory
Hemali Rathnayake, Full Professor, University of North Carolina Greensboro
Sachin Junnarkar, Founder and CEO, Field Viewers, Inc. and Health Lync, LLC
Braeton Smith, Principal Energy Economist, Argonne National Laboratory

11:15 AM
Lone Star D 

SBIR/STTR: Crossing Over from One Agency to Another

Learn about how companies can start with one agency in Phase I and move to a different agency in Phase II

Gina Sims, Director, DoD SBIR/STTR, Department of Defense (DoD)
Manny Oliver, Director, SBIR/STTR Programs Office, Department of Energy (DOE)
Connie Benesh, Outreach Manager, Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Robin Burke, Program Manager, Special Operations Command (SOCOM)

12:10 PM
JW Marriott Lobby (meet here to walk over to Austin Energy) 

Tour: A Smart City Living Lab (walking tour, SOLD OUT)

Join us on a walking tour of downtown Austin, featuring the Seaholm District, a 90-acre living lab which demonstrates Austin's commitment to sustainable urban living and contains green features that are good for the environment and people who, live, work or play here. We will visit City Hall, where transportation policies are made and learn about sustainable urban design, pedestrian activation, dockless mobility, shared e-mobility, and green streets along the way.

Moderator: Bobby Godsey, EV Community Engagement Manager, Austin Energy
Amy Atchley, EV Equity Development Manager, Austin Energy
Marc Coudert, Climate Adaptation & Resilience Manager, City of Austin
Cameron Freberg, Manager, Electric Vehicles & Emerging Technologies, Austin Energy

1:00 PM
Advanced sign-up required. Email: to secure your spot in the tour! 

Capital Factory Tour (NOW OPEN)

Capital Factory connects startups with partners across government and academia, forming a one-stop shop for dual-use innovation. Co-creation between defense innovators, entrepreneurs, world-class technology companies, investors and VCs makes Capital Factory a true catalyst for defense modernization. Come tour Capital Factory's Headquarters to learn about their unique ecosystem and partnership model.

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SBIR/STTR Agency Partners

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Defense TechConnect is the nation's largest innovation matchmaking program aligned with national technology priorities and federal funding opportunities.


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*Participation by any United States Federal Agency in any TechConnect activity or event does not constitute an expressed or implied endorsement of any cosponsor, donor, grantee, contractor or participant’s opinions, products, or services.