Defense TechConnect

DECEMBER 3-5, 2024  |  AUSTIN, TX


Monday, October 7: 1:00pm – 5:00pm (Additional Registration Fee Required)

How to Design a Smart City – IoT Technology Based

Smart Cities have been identified as a promising potential application domain for the information and communication technologies (ICT) and the Internet of Things (IoT) with a wide range of possible services that can benefit City Administration/Municipal Governance. Municipal governments around the globe are employing big data and Internet-of-Things applications to improve many aspects of daily life. Information and communication technology (ICT) is used to enhance quality, performance and interactivity of urban services, to reduce costs and resource consumption and to improve contact between citizens and government.

This workshop provides an overview of IoT applied while architecting smart city applications. The session provides building blocks and schematic of few case studies of smart cities. Attendees will learn fundamentals of IoT infrastructure and networking technologies such as IPv4, IPV6, Wi-Fi, BLE, 6LowPAN, ZigBee and Cellular concepts. Instructor will demonstrate few hardware, smart city sensors and IoT cloud technologies including AWS IoT, IBM Bluemix and Microsoft Azure. Few of the IoT communication protocol such as MQTT, CoApp shall be discussed. The session also helps to learn how to deploy interoperable and scalable smart city solutions that will meet needs of the city communities. It will help cities plan roadmaps to acquire these solutions for their citizens.

Participants will learn to design and analyze Smart City. The learning model includes sensors, hardware platform and cloud. Sensors related to Smart City such as Environmental Monitoring, e-Government, Waste Management, Flood Monitoring, Smart City Lights(LED), Smart Power Grid, Smart Parking, Smart Hospital, Smart Agriculture, etc., The workshop describes the block diagram, schematic and implementation plans. It also discusses Bill of Materials required to build a Smart City. The course outlines the usage of Cloud platform.


About the Instructor

Shivakumar Mathapathi,
Co-Founder and CTO,
Dew Mobility
View Bio




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