Defense TechConnect

DECEMBER 3-5, 2024


2023 Resilience Week Speakers

David Alexander

Senior Science Advisor, Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology’s (DHS S&T)

Honorable Shalanda Baker

Director, Office of Economic Impact and Diversity, U.S. Department of Energy and Secretarial Advisor on Equity

Max Beller

Climate Adaptation Advisor, San Diego Gas & Electric in the Fire Science & Climate Adaptation Group

Benjamin Blakely

Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence Researcher, Argonne National Laboratory

Andrew Bochman

Senior Grid Stratgist, Idaho National Laboratory

Alex Brickner

Director of SBIR Programs, UMass Lowell

Hannah Burroughs

Secure Renewables and Storage Integration Area Lead, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Jared Cantrell

Research Engineer for the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Idaho State University

Stephen Cauffman

Section Chief, Infrastructure Development and Recovery, Infrastructure Security Division, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)

Gabriela Ciocarlie

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Texas at San Antonio

Christopher Cleary

Chief Principal Cyber Advisor (PCA), Department of the Navy

Victor Cobilean

Research Assistant, Virginia Commonwealth University

Jon Cook

Senior Commercialization Manager, Technology Deployment Department at Idaho National Laboratory

Megan Culler

Power Engineer and Researcher, Infrastructure Security group at Idaho National Laboratory

Dawn Davis

Water & Power Systems Postdoctoral Research Associate and as the Environmental Justice Specialist, Idaho National Lab

Ryan Donaghy

Associate Director for Planning and Innovation, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)

Michael Dransfield

Subject Matter Expert, National Security Agency

Abraham Ellis

Senior Manager, Renewable Energy and Industrial Decarbonization, Sandia National Laboratories

Ethan Epstein

Resilience Program Manager, Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP)

Judy Esquibel

Senior Cyber Advisor, US Army Cyber Command

Corey Fallon

Cognitive Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Isa Ferrall-Wolf

Researcher in Energy Equity Projects and Initiatives, National Renewable Energy Lab

Lisa Fewins

Corporate Sustainability Director, HDR

Laura Fischer

Senior Technical Leader, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)

John Garstka

Director for Cyber, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition & Sustainment OUSD(A&S)

Eric Griesenbrock

Lead, Energy Office, Air Force Research Laboratory

Madison Haley

Graduate Research Assistant, Center on Financial Risk in Environmental Systems, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Kolton Heaps

Digital Twin Visualization Scientist, Idaho National Laboratory

Juliet Homer

Chief Systems Engineer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Eliza Hotchkiss

Senior Resilience Analyst, NREL

Patrick Vann Horne

Deputy Director of Preparedness, Hagerty Consulting

Wanda Jones-Heath

Principal Cyber Advisor, Department of the Air Force

Lauren Khair

Director, NRECA

Cecilia Klauber

Power Systems Engineer, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Alexis Kwasinski

Associate Professor, University of Pittsburgh

Igor Linkov

Risk and Decision Science Focus Area Lead, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center

Brock Long

Executive Chairman, Hagerty Consulting

Brian McAdoo

Disaster Researcher and Head of the PlanetLab, Earth and Climate Science Division at Duke University

Amy McGuire

Director of Market Development, Highland Electric Fleets

Crystall Merlino

Director for Resilience, Energy, and Sustainability Management, Department of Homeland Security

Jonathon Monken

Principal, Converge Strategies

Kate Moore

Strategic Partnership Manager, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (IEC)

Marissa Morales-Rodriguez

Systems Integration Technology Manager, U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO)

Ulrich Muenz

Principal Key Expert, Advanced Control and Optimization for power grids and industrial manufacturing, Siemens Technology

Roger Pulwarty

Senior Scientist, NOAA Office of Oceans and Atmospheric Research

Danielle Redhouse

Nuclear Engineer, Sandia National Laboratories

Tami Reynolds

Group Manager, NREL

Aleksandra Scalco

Engineer, Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC)

Greg Shannon

Chief Cybersecurity Scientist, Idaho National Laboratory

Neal Simmons

President andCEO, Eagle Creek Renewable Energy

Andrea Staid

Senior Technical Leader, Energy Systems and Climate Analysis Group, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)

Michael Sulmeyer

Principal Cyber Advisor, Secretary of the Army and the Army Chief of Staff

David Terry

President, National Association of State Energy Officials

Elaine Ulrich

Senior Advisor, US DOE Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response

Kirsten Verclas

Senior Managing Director, NASEO

David Wells

Senior Technical Communications Program Manager, U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Electricity

Spencer Wilcox

Senior Director, CISO, Cybersecurity & Technology Risk of Nextera Energy, and its subsidiaries, including Florida Power and Light

Nathan Wiltse

Economist and Researcher, NREL


Director of Research and Innovation, Slipstream

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